For Sunday, April
3, 2016, Easter 2, Year C, Readings: Acts
5:27-32, Ps 150, Revelation 1:4-8, John 20:19-31
"I am the Alpha and Omega," says the Lord God, who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. [Revelation 1:8]
Then [Jesus] said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe." Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said "...Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe." [John 20:28-29]
In this age of instant communication, "viral" posts on numerous kinds of social media, every TV networks' "exclusive breaking news", and those constantly updating [and correcting] internet headlines, it's easy to know immediately what the truth of whatever the matter is, what is safe to believe - or, not. Like Thomas, we all want the hard data, the analysis that gives us the answers, and the summaries that explain things so we don't have to think through all the confusing information. It's also easier when the people we like and trust [broadcasters, politicians, doctors, teachers, clergy, brothers-in-law, etc.] tell us what we want to hear. Yet, how do we distinguish between oft-repeated gossip and rumor that begins to sound true after the eleventeenth hearing and actual truth? In Thomas' case, he had the benefit of seeing and touching the Resurrected Christ, wounds and all, for himself. For us, we often must go on faith. Trust your source, if you will in our day and time, but keep an open mind, at least in the ways of the world. In the ways of Christ, our hard data comes from the legacy of the Apostles, the writings of the New Testament: "[These] are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name." [John 20:31] What Source of hard data do you trust?
Leader: ~ Jesus, our Lord and our God, through the Apostles’
witness, especially Thomas, grant us the courage to live our faith sincerely,
preserving and affirming Your message of peace, repentance, and reconciliation.
Holy and Risen Christ
RESPONSE: Strengthen our faith against tests
and trials
Jesus, our Lord and our God, empower us to reject the rumor and gossip of
political soundbites to stand firm in the truth of Your Gospel before all who
hold governing or frightening power in this world, near and far. We pray especially
for: add your own petitions
Holy and Risen Christ
Strengthen our faith against tests and trials
~ Jesus, our Lord and our God, comfort and heal
all who are afflicted with pain and suffering, and fill those who give them support with fresh and sustaining vitality. We
now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions
Holy and Risen Christ
Strengthen our faith against tests and trials
Jesus, our Lord and our God, surround the mournful with the glorious Light of
Your Resurrection that destroyed death for all time. Let us now rejoice for all
who now live again eternally with You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Holy and Risen Christ
Strengthen our faith against tests and trials
Jesus, our Lord and our God, we pause
in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud
or silently… add your own petitions
Holy and Risen Christ
Strengthen our faith against tests and trials
Jesus, our Lord and our God, we give thanksgiving for the life-long dedication
of the leaders of Your Church. Overwhelm them with special grace that they many
continue to guide and inspire us through their own faithfulness. We pray
especially for: add your own petitions
Holy and Risen Christ
Strengthen our faith against tests and trials
The Celebrant adds: Lord God in Christ, erase the doubts of the
earth-bound minds of we who have breath, and free our souls to seek our
sustenance in You, our Alpha and Omega, our Beginning and our End. We ask
through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and the unwavering love of our Almighty
Creator, who together with You reign as One God, in glory and dominion, forever
and ever. Amen.
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