Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals and make mere flesh their strength, whose hearts turn away from the Lord…Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord…I the Lord test the mind and search the heart, to give to all according to…the fruit of their doings. [Jeremiah 17:5, 7, 1]
Happy are they who have not walked in the counsel of the wicked…their delight is in the law of the Lord… [Psalm 1:1a, 2a]
Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead…But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have died. [1 Corinthians 15:12, 20]
This Sunday we are treated to readings we don’t
often get to in the season after the Epiphany. Owing to the date of Easter
derived from the Lunar calendar with some very complex calculations by which the
Western Church and the Eastern Church come out differently. Some years have
fewer Sundays in the Season of Epiphany. So, on this our Sixth Sunday after the
Epiphany, we are confronted by the prophetic and instructive blessings
and woes. The Good News/Bad News Sunday.
Jeremiah starts us off with similar wording
to Psalm 1 which follows in the appointed lectionary. Jeremiah would have known
this Psalm and his perspective is to trust in God. He tells his audience, and
us, that those who trust in mere mortals and whose
hearts turn away…shall be like a shrub in the desert…in the parched
places…uninhabited salt land. Those who trust in
the Lord are blessed, and like a tree planted by water have
strong roots and nothing to fear, even when heat comes. Jeremiah
further says that the Lord will test the minds and hearts and give each
what is deserved, according to their ways.
The Psalmist has a slightly different
rendering with essentially the same outcome. God knows what we’re up to and we
will prosper if we live according the God’s law, however, the way of
the wicked is doomed.
Paul, writing to the Corinthians, was
engaging them to move beyond believing only what could be seen. The Pharisees, one
of which Paul is reputed to have been, is one sect of Judaism that believes in
an afterlife. Some in Corinth were questioning resurrection in general. Paul
argued that if there was no resurrection from the dead then Christ would not be
raised and they would all retain their sins. A conundrum for the sophisticated
Corinthians to ponder as they certainly didn’t want to be merely like the rest
of human-kind. Paul continued his work with them through the end of this letter
and beyond into his second to them.
Luke’s version of the Beatitudes is
similar yet distinctly different than the Sermon on the Mount in
Matthew [Mt 5:1-12]. As Jesus arrived at a level place there
was a great crowd who had come to hear him and be healed. He
then spoke to his disciples and delivered a set of 4 blessings and a set of 4
woes, two states of being, or, of life, from which to choose. This is not
sweetness and light, even for the blessed. Sacrifice and self-denial,
persecution, and deprivation doesn’t sound much like a blessing. But then,
those who are living high off the fat now will face complete reversal of
fortune when, as the Psalmist says, the wicked shall not stand upright
when judgment comes. Faith is tested every day in various ways in this
human existence. Choice of lifestyle is not available to everyone when there
are significant hardships. Yet for those who are able to have a high, even
luxurious living standard, it is difficult to choose Christ when considerable
distraction and temptation abound in the arenas of instant gratification.
Hope in Christ is what Paul is giving us. Jeremiah, the
Psalmist, and Jesus, all give us the options in how to live life. Nothing is
easy but there is always hope. God knows whatever we choose
and Jesus IS Risen which is the VERY Good News and always within us. A quote I
once read, from the late Brazilian theologian Dr. Rubem Alves, brings it home
for me: Hope is hearing the melody of the future – faith is dancing to
it today.
Leader: ~ All-Knowing God, guide us through our darkest
and weakest moments with the assurance of Your blessings, helping us to remain
rooted deeply in faith with delight in Your law.
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
~ All-Knowing God, turn all leaders of government, across Your Creation, away
from the false counsel of cursed mortals with wicked intent, toward choosing to
prosper all of Your beloved, and standing upright when judgment comes. We pray
especially for: add your own petitions
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
~ All-Knowing God, embrace the hearts of all who are seriously ill,
addicted, or life-weary, and give energy to those who give them care. We
now join our hearts to pray for those in need… add your own petitions
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
~ All-Knowing God, surround those who mourn with Your perfect peace, as
the glory and joy of eternity now enfold those we have sent ahead to
You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
~ All-Knowing God, we pause in this moment to offer You our
other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions, petitions, and memorials, aloud
or silently… add your own petitions
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
~ All-Knowing God, grant all who lead us in Your Church with wise and
gracious spirits, as they guide each of us and themselves, toward the radiance
of everlasting life in You. We pray especially for: add your own
O Lord, our Strength
put our trust in You
The Celebrant adds: God of Hope and Healing, as you test our minds and
search our hearts, keep us mindful of the choices we make in all that we
do. Endow us with the courage to accept and trust Your blessings
where we are, and to be spared the woes of those whose hearts turn away. We ask
through Jesus, our Risen Christ; and the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of our Souls;
who together with You are One God, now and forever. Amen.
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