A moment of contemplation for yourself or on behalf of others on everything from the life-altering to the mundane.

Prayer: A conversation with The Higher Other who lives within each of us. An invitation to vent, to re-think, to ask, and to rest.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Prayers for Easter, Lost and Found: Easter Tuesday

The Gospel of John 20:11-18

Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him." When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?" Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabbouni!" (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, "Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, `I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord"; and she told them that he had said these things to her.

O My God in Heaven,
       I can feel Mary's despair, I've known it so deeply it is yet in my bones. But I am heartened by Jesus' return to her, to all of us. The Living Hope that is the Son of God is mine, an eternal gift from You. Help me to transform my grief into joy in the knowledge that all whom I have lost are found again, alive in Your eternity, and when my earthly days are complete, I will be with them and with You forever. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. O My God in Heaven, thank You. amen.  

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Prayers for Easter, All Your Eggs in One Basket?: Easter Monday

Readings: Acts 2:14,22-32, Psalm 16:8-11 or 118:19-24, Matthew 28:9-15

Now what? 
          What a week!  From big celebrations to fear, torture, death, and then RESURRECTION!  So all our work of Lent and Easter are over and we can get back to normal while we finish up the peeps, jelly beans, and what's left of the chocolate bunnies, right? 

Holiest Risen Lord!
          Where do we go from here?  Life seemed so much simpler when Easter was just a day for a big dinner like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Suddenly I feel as though I have more to do, more to be. It's a huge responsibility, following You. People might get the wrong impression of You if I do something that isn't Christ-like and actually I'm not sure I'm up to the task.  But okay, it's a new week, it's a new season, maybe even it's a new me as in "new creation."  I'll give it a go. All of my (faith) eggs are in one basket, Yours. I believe that You are all I need but I could use some help here, please. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life, You know how I feel. amen.

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Prayers of the People: Easter Day!

April 20, 2014, Readings: Acts 10:34-43; Ps 118:1-2, 14-24; Colossians 3:1-4; Mt 28-1-10

        But the angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.

O Triumphant, Radiant, Lord Most High,
          The dazzling splendor of Your Resurrection has illuminated our sight, amplified our hearing, and enraptured our souls. There are no words ecstatic or jubilant enough to express our profound joy in this moment. Our forty long days of waiting have finally ended, the somber darkness of the crucifixion has lifted, Your conquest over earthly death is complete and we are redeemed by You!

Leader:           Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
Response:      Jesus is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!

O Triumphant, Radiant, Lord Most High,
            Your entire ministry was fraught with political manipulation by those whose minds and hearts were small and feared the power of Your prophetic witness for peace. Let us, with joy and purpose, take up Your mantle with enthusiasm and determination to arouse compassion, peace, cooperation, justice, and mercy in our political leadership. We pray especially for:  add your own petitions

                         Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
                         Jesus is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!

O Triumphant, Radiant, Lord Most High,
              Always and especially in this glorious moment, lavish Your grace and healing on those we love who are ailing in body, mind, or spirit, and on those who give them daily care. Enfold them in comfort and dissuade their fear and discouragement.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                         Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
                         Jesus is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!
O Triumphant, Radiant, Lord Most High,
                Your resurrection has destroyed the power of death.  Let us learn to rejoice in spite of our mourning for those we have lost who are now enveloped in Your eternal glory.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                         Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
                         Jesus is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!

O Triumphant, Radiant, Lord Most High,
                Embolden the leaders of Your Church to be as the earthquake that moved the stone to reveal the emptiness of The Tomb. Enjoin us again to set our minds on all that is in God above and not on the emptiness of the earthly life that entombs us here below. Release us from all that binds us to the temporary and shallow instead of to Your eternal glory. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                               Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!
                               Jesus is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!

The Celebrant adds: Glorious Jesus, the Christ of our imagining, the Christ of our wonder and of our desire, You have defied the limits of a temporal death, risen to the heights of eternal glory, and claimed salvation for each of our souls. Let us claim life in You on this day that the Lord has made for us.  Let us truly rejoice and be glad in it!  Hallelujah, the Lord is Risen!  The Lord is risen, indeed!  Hallelujah!

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Prayers for Lent, Holy Saturday in Holy Week

Readings: Job 14:1-14 or Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24; Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16; 1 Peter 4:1-8; Matthew 27:57-66 or
John 19:38-42

Jesus, our Holy Redeemer,
          The silence of the Tomb engulfs us.  We are still and hear only the beating of our sorrowful hearts. The night is long and dark and cold. We will be with You. Be with us, Lord, we are at last awake to hear Your call.  Embrace us in the mercy of Your redemption, and when we have returned our souls to You, take us with You into the Kingdom of Your Glory. Amen. 

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Prayers for Lent, Urban Stations, Good Friday

                On this Good Friday, April 18, 2014, in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, members of seven congregations of various denominations will gather to walk the city streets in procession using places at 8 different stops as the Stations of the Cross. These prayers by this writer are being used for each of the 8 Stations that form part of the overall Service.
               If you cannot join us or have never experienced the Stations of the Cross, pray with us on a virtual walk through the last hours of the earthly life of Jesus. 

Participating Churches in Wilmington, Delaware:
*The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
*Tabernacle Full Gospel Baptist Church
*Wilmington Friends Meeting
*Old Asbury Church
*Bethel AME Church
*Ezion Mt. Carmel Church
*First & Central Presbyterian Church

1st Station:  Jesus is condemned to die

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
How quickly this week has turned from exultation to murderous rebuke.  Let us bear the slanders and endure the anger, as You have, for those who are so quick to condemn a human life to death. Give us strength to pray for those who truly do not understand all that they inflict upon others, as well as for those who do. Grant us the courage to withhold our own judgment and condemnation and, in all humility, take this long walk with You and for You.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

2nd Station: Jesus takes up his cross

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
You are no more truly human than at this moment, dragging a massive piece of rough-hewn timber laid across Your body, through the mean streets, amidst the jeers and tears of bystanders.  Fill us with Your acceptance and willingness to bear any burdens that life gives. Help our understanding that You ask no more of us than You have done for us.  Let us remember that our load is always lightened by our trust in You.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
You buckle under the strain of the enormous burden this world has placed on Your shoulders.  For all that we do that weighs so heavily on You, we beg Your forgiveness. Grant us the fortitude to face our own sinfulness and the determination to overcome the weaknesses that turn us away from Your love. As You rise up in obedience to the call of God, let us follow Your example to stand again and move forward toward You after every fall and every stumble.  

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

4th Station: Jesus Meets His Mother

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
O Mother of us all – to meet Your Son in such a plight as this – our hearts weep for Mother and Son in their mutual sorrow.  Change us, Dear Jesus, that we might never abandon those we love in time of need out of selfishness or inconvenience.  Let us see You with a mother’s heart and love You with a father’s joy and strive to love each other as You love us all even through the pain and the suffering that we have laid upon You.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

5th Station: The Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
Behold Simon, who is not one of us, pressed into taking Your Cross onto his own shoulders.  How often have we let others share our burdens or offered to share another’s, especially someone different from ourselves?  We bless Simon for helping You. And we give thanks to You for the example so that we might be Simon for someone else, without judgment, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or beliefs.  Let us walk together and share the weight of the cross with You.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

6th Station: Jesus and the women of Jerusalem

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
Our mourning is often for ourselves and the pain we feel for another’s anguish. These women mourn for You and You care for them in the midst of all You suffer, knowing that their lives will not be easier.  Help us to look beyond ourselves and into the faces of others with love rather than pity, with hope rather than despair, with justice tempered with mercy, and with true contrition for our own sins of commission and omission.   

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

7th Station: The Crucifixion

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
A once living tree now makes the beams of a horrible death.  With Your own agony and the torment of Your appeals, You show us how to give our lives entirely to God.  And as Your life ebbs with excruciating slowness, Your compassion for us all and one who hangs next to You is overwhelming.  Grant us such compassion that we might not return injury for insult but rather reflect Your love and peace in the actions of our lives.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

8th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb

O Dearest Lord Jesus,
The silence of the Tomb engulfs us.  We are still and hear only the beating of our sorrowful hearts. The night is long and dark and cold. We will be with You. Be with us, Lord, we are at last awake to hear Your call.  Embrace us in the mercy of Your redemption, and when we have returned our souls to You, take us with You into the Kingdom of Your Glory.

Oh Jesus, our Savior
Your cross redeems us all.

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Meditations in Lent: Thursday in Holy Week '20

Readings: Ex 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14; Ps 116:1, 10-17; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-7, 31b-35

           For the Passover, God, through Moses and Aaron, promised protection to all whose homes displayed the blood of a sacrificed lamb and proclaimed it a day of remembrance forever.
         On this night, Jesus knew his earthly life was coming to an end. In his Last Supper with the Disciples, he gave us the mystery of the sacrament of His Body and Blood ~ the Eucharist ~ as a New Covenant with God, a perpetual remembrance of Him as the blood sacrifice for the redemption of us. On this night, Jesus surprised his Disciples by washing their feet, as a servant would do, to show them humility. And on this night, he told them that Judas would betray him, and, that Peter would deny him 3 times.

               The name for this day varies with Christian worship traditions: Holy Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, or even Thursday of Mysteries. The Anglican/Episcopal tradition calls it Maundy Thursday which some think may come from the Latin mendicare for beg or, from mandatum for mandate or command. We now enter the solemn Easter Triduum [trid-oo-um] , a period of three days, that in its fullest extent, begins with a Liturgy tonight, reaches its high point in Easter Vigil on Saturday night, and concludes with Evening Prayer on Easter night. In this time of Covid 19, our attention and our prayers, even at a distance from one another, are as important as any other year, perhaps more so now. 
              However you choose to name it, on this night, Jesus said, I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
Jesus, Lamb of God,

         Gathering for Holy Eucharist is our primary remembrance of You. Yet in these times we must receive and remember You in our hearts, our thoughts, and through our prayers for the safety of one another and ourselves. Tonight, let us remember You in the Garden of Gethsemane with the disciples who could not stay awake with You for even one hourIt's hard to imagine having to find a way to stay awake all night, in fear, outside, to watch someone else pray for something you don't quite understand. Would I have had the prayer words I'd need? Do I have them now? How much time are we willing to give on this night, and in any day or night, to remember You in fear, in joy, or in everyday activity?  
           Lord Jesus, my Savior, thank You for all You have done for me and for all of us. Help me to be a reflection of Your love and humility in this world so that I may rightly be known as a disciple, as a Christian. As a small token of remembrance before I turn to sleep, whatever the day has brought, I offer these words Lord Jesus, Son of God, and as I breathe out, Have mercy on me, a sinner.  amen. [I'll try to remember to repeat until sleep arrives and any/all other times breathing occurs]

           And, Lord Christ, bless and keep all those who stay awake whole nights and days at a time caring for the sick and fearing for themselves and their own families as we hold them in prayer. Also, let us remember and pray for those who at risk working in areas we all take for granted ~ grocery stores, gas stations, delivery drivers, postal carriers, and trash collectors. Keep us ever aware and mindful of all the people and all the little things of life that we have usually overlooked in our recent "normal" times. Let us love one another in every day close in and at a distance, family, friends, and strangers alike. Let us love You by who we are and how we are in this world. Amen.

All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used or adapted with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Feel free to contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prayers for Lent, Wednesday in Holy Week

Readings: Is 50: 4-9a, Ps70, Heb 12:1-3, Jn 13:21-32

                 On this Wednesday, Judas Iscariot has conspired with the Sanhedrin to support their efforts to trap Jesus. He is paid the sum of 30 pieces of silver, enough to purchase a slave or a good potter's field. How much money is enough to sell someone's life to an enemy - what if the seller is a trusted friend? But of course, Jesus knew it would be Judas...
                Paul's letter to the Hebrews says: Consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart. When I have felt the world is against me or life is just too hard or I just cannot cope with one more thing to go wrong - did I ever once think of the suffering of Jesus at the hands of others? Have I ever thought of Judas if I did someone a wrong turn to benefit myself, even if only in a small way?  Perhaps Jesus is too big in my mind to compare myself to and perhaps Judas is too bad...  
            On this Wednesday in our time some churches mark this evening - or some others will on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday - with a service called "Tenebrae."  The name comes from the Latin and means shadows or darkness.  The service consists of readings and chanted/sung Psalms while candles are extinguished in sets between readings and chants until the church is completely darkened. Often at the end, in the dark, a sudden loud noise - a gong, slamming a large book, or stamping of feet - is heard as a symbol of the earthquake that signaled the death of Jesus. Holy Wednesday in Holy Week, hearkens back to the penitence of Ash Wednesday just a few weeks ago while the solemnity of the mood deepens.

O Jesus ~ our Ever-Present Light in the Darkness,
         Whether we are in a church, at home, or somewhere else, if we are taking this time to follow Your Passion through this week, we feel the gathering gloom of death approaching. This night of Tenebrae, as the light will fade into dark, all will be still in our hearts. In Your time, You could hear the barking of the dogs across the Kidron Valley as the evening turned to night, along with the growling of camels, and the hee-hawing of donkeys. In our time we hear the traffic going by, tv blaring, and the electronic buzz, clink and chinkle of video games. 
         O Jesus, our Light and Redeemer of us ALL ~ this night reminds us of the story of Judas conspiring with the Sanhedrin and selling you out. This night makes us wonder how he could have done that to You. This night makes us shudder about ways we might have betrayed another for our own benefit even if only in lesser ways. This night calls us to ponder forgiveness  ~ You have forgiven us for all of our sins and trespasses. But have we ever forgiven Judas, the only Apostle never called "saint", the only original Disciple to have died a remorseful death at his own hand, the only one Satan entered to do the bidding that fulfilled the prophecy of our coming Messiah?  Who is a Judas in our own lives that we have not forgiven? Can we take a first step, this night, and breathe the life of forgiveness into Judas Iscariot? Certainly Jesus has. Then, with Your love and help, perhaps we can look at forgiving the Judas closer to home.  amen.

Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.