for April 12, 2015, Second Sunday of Easter, Year
B, Readings: Acts 4:32-35, Ps
133, 1 John 1:1-2:2, John 20:19-31
But Thomas...was not with them when Jesus came....[and] he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in his side, I will not believe..." [Jesus] said to him, "Have you [now] believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe." [John 20:24, 25b, 29]
Thomas often gets a bad rap by the nickname "Doubting Thomas"and becomes a sort of a scapegoat to carry the load for the rest of us. But I wonder ~ has anyone of you never had a doubt about your faith, questions about God, or a wonder about the events recalled in the Bible? If not, please come and have a cup of coffee with me and let me revel in the clarity and steadfastness of your beliefs. I envy that (only marginally, not 7 Deadly-level-ENVY mind you!), as I do have questions now and then, a moment here and there, and the occasional wonder. And that is why I'm so comforted by today's Gospel. Thomas is very real for me - and by the way, the other Apostles also doubted briefly [see Luke 24:1-12] - so we who have had our own doubts are all in good company. And the company, indeed, is also the point - those who knew Jesus in their own life-time came together as a faith community sharing joy, fellowship, and life's necessities, as followers of the Resurrected Christ.
We also come together as a community and relive and re-tell the story of our faith through each season in the Church year. Let us remember, this time, that Easter isn't merely a day or a season, it is meant to be our way of life. We of the faith are Easter People, living into the promise of the Resurrection of our Messiah to new and eternal life. Let us keep the message of Christ alive as we strive for unity and love despite our divisions and occasional doubts, and that through our companioning and fellowship with one another, we will all see our Christ when we, too, believe. Undoubtedly.
Leader: ~ Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, we often walk in
the stifling darkness of sin and doubt that is of our own making. Help us to
breathe in the clear air of pure faith in You, and receive the blessing of life
evermore, as ordained by Almighty God.
Jesus, Light of God,
RESPONSE: Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, let Your great
grace fall upon the leaders of this world, our nation, and our community so
that we may live together in the peace and promise of Your resurrection, and no
one is left in need. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Jesus, Light of God
Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, surround all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit,
that they may know Your healing touch of hope and love. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Jesus, Light of God
Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, however fresh our tears, let us who mourn have a
foretaste of the glory into which our loved ones now live forever with You. We
pray especially for: add your own petitions
Jesus, Light of God
Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, we pause
in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud
or silently…
Jesus, Light of God
Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
Holy Christ, Righteous Lord, as those who knew You in this life gave testimony
and witness to the example of Your life, death, and resurrection, so are the leaders in Your
church ordained to witness by word and example to us all. Grant them the extra
blessings they need to walk with us toward greater, stronger, faith in You. We
pray especially for: add your own petitions
Jesus, Light of God
Help us feel Your unseen Presence and believe!
The Celebrant adds: Holy Jesus, Holy Son,
Holy Brother, help us see with new
eyes, love with new hearts, and hope with new faith that Easter becomes
our way of life, not merely a Day or a Season. We ask through the love of You,
our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit who Sanctifies us, who together live and reign
with God our Almighty Creator, into eternity. Amen.
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