For Sunday,
January 24, 2016, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Year C, Readings: Nehemiah
8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19, 1 Cor 12:12-31a, Luke 4:14-21
Accordingly, the priest Ezra brought the law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could hear with understanding. [Nehemiah 8:2a]
By [the statutes of the LORD] also is your servant enlightened...cleanse me from my secret faults...O LORD my strength and my redeemer. [Ps 19: 8a, 11 a, 12 b, 14b]
Just as the body is one and has many members,, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body ~ Jews or Greeks, slaves or free ~ and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. [1 Cor 12:12-13]
[Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit,] stood up to read, and the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...he has anointed me to
bring good news to the poor...proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind..." [Luke 4:14a, 16b, 17-18a]
"So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them...God saw everything he had made, and indeed it was very good." [Genesis 1:27, 31a] And there are many of us, over 7.3 billion and growing. So very many members, digits, organs, and limbs, all created in the image of God, and all one body - all ordinarily the same and each extraordinarily different. ALL parts of the body - individually and corporately, locally and planetarily - are arranged by God, the ultimate and pre-eminent Architect, Electrical, Chemical, Plumbing and Systems Engineer. We are endowed from before birth with different gifts that are not our own, but in our human lives are to be given out to and received from each other, to have the same care for another...if one member suffers, all suffer...if one member is honored, all rejoice together in it.
The waters of Baptism flow in a variety of ways and directions. The entire Body has been given the waters of the Spirit to hydrate our souls, to cleanse our hearts, and to purify our intentions whether known or unknown to the members. Let we who hear with understanding be conscious of the Spirit within us. Let us drink deeply, again, and strive for the greater gifts as the living members of the Body of Christ.
~ Most High God,
Creator of Body and Soul, from the tips of our toes to the tops of our heads,
all that we are functions as part of Your Plan. Cleanse us from our secret faults
and enlighten the workings of our bodies, minds, and souls to be mindful
instruments of Your justice and honor.
O Lord of Flowing Glory
O Lord of Flowing Glory
RESPONSE: Our Strength and
our Redeemer
~ Most High God,
Creator of Body and Soul, pour Your Holy Spirit on the hearts and minds of all
who govern the countries of this world, our own country, and our local
community. Help them strive to hear with understanding, and act with courage
and compassion, for the benefit of all of Your Creation. We pray especially
for: add your own petitions
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
Most High God, Creator of Body and Soul, relieve the pain of those who suffer
from illness, anxiety, or addiction, and refresh all who provide care and
comfort. We now join our voices to pray aloud
for those in need… add your own petitions
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
~ Most High God,
Creator of Body and Soul, lift the heavy weight of mourning from hearts laid low
in grief, as those who have now left us in this life, rejoice and dance in the
everlasting light and music of heaven. We
pray especially for: add your own petitions
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
~ Most High God, Creator
of Body and Soul, we pause in this
moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or
silently… add your own petitions
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
~ Most High God, Creator
of Body and Soul, we give You thanks and praise for the women and men appointed
to lead us in Your Church to open the scrolls of Your Word, and guide us toward
the fulfillment of our purpose in You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
O Lord of Flowing Glory
Our Strength and our Redeemer
The Celebrant adds: Lord of Freedom and Favor, grant us the desire
to drink deeply of the Spirit of Baptism and to seek the courage to bring Good
News, release, and new sight, to ourselves and each other as members of the
Body of Christ. We ask through
Jesus, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, our Fount of Wisdom, who together with
You are One God, throughout all eternity. Amen.
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