A moment of contemplation for yourself or on behalf of others on everything from the life-altering to the mundane.

Prayer: A conversation with The Higher Other who lives within each of us. An invitation to vent, to re-think, to ask, and to rest.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Prayers of the People: Coming Back from Behind, 13th Sunday after Pentecost '17 Yr A

For Sunday, September 3, 2017, 13thSunday after Pentecost, Year A, Readings: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28

      Moses...came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush...the bush was blazing but not consumed...God called to him..."Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am." Then he said, "Come no closer...for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." [Exodus 3:1b-2, 4b-5]

      Glory in his holy Name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. [Psalm 105:3]

      Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;...outdo one another in showing honor...never avenge yourselves...for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."...overcome evil with good. [Romans 12:9, 10b, 19, 21b]

      Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem...and be killed and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him saying, "God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you." But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things." [Matthew 16:21a,b-23] 

      From out of the flaming bush, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out from the torture and horrors of their existence as slaves in the ancient world. Moses, probably still trying to grasp that God is speaking to him from a burning shrub, gives a most human response, "Who am I" to do this unimaginable task? Moses had just been minding the sheep in his everyday, ordinary life and suddenly he's called to save a nation - reluctance is the mildest emotion I would have felt! Of course this is a great story worthy of the many dramatic renderings in films and other media that it has inspired. And perhaps because of the magnitude of this command, the primary message seems obscured. 
      The world of today is not so far away in attitude from the times of Moses. Around the world and in each of our own countries, as many of us go through our days just minding our sheep, there are ever-growing pockets of racial and ethnic hatred, senseless mass killings, and unchecked imposed power creating enslavement through poverty, war, and robust greed, all elements that have never left the human realm.
       But God, through Moses, reminds us that, however reluctant, we are each called to step up to Holy Ground and find our own ways to save nations, if only by one sheep at a time.
      It is much easier to wander in the wilderness of apathy or cling to the false gods of power and profit as if to save us from ourselves and each other. But last week Paul reminded us of our individual gifts that work in concert with the gifts of others so that we are one body, with many members, charged to live in and through Christ. This week, Paul, gives us a rapid-fire list of how to begin to be the Living Sacrifice that Jesus calls us to be:  Let love be genuine, hate evil, hold fast to good, love one another, outdo, don't lag, rejoice, be patient, persevere, contribute, extend, bless, rejoice, weep, live, associate, and don't claim to be wiser than you are, etc., etc., etc. 
       I'm nearly exhausted at the thought of it all yet Jesus reminds us that all that has been done will be repaid in kind by God. If we only Follow him, Jesus says, not setting our minds on human things but on the divine, we will gain the life we were created to live. We must take care to suspend our natural impulse to argue with Jesus out of doubt, fear, or unwillingness that turns us into stumbling blocks obstructing the path of others. We must come back from hiding behind the devilish desires for human treasure and move to the front of the line, as did Peter, seeking to overcome evil with good. One day, one small act, one prayer at a time that leads to another and another and another... 


Leader:  ~ O LORD, our God, Your Sacred Fire sanctifies our faith, transforms our souls, and guides us to find our footing on the holy ground of this earthly life. Keep our faces turned toward You, that we may not be consumed by human things, but set our minds on all that is divine.

                                                Forever God
RESPONSE:             Let us seek and rejoice in You

~ O LORD, our God, kindle the Spirit within us to prevail upon the leaders of this world, our country, and our community to take on actions of honor, dignity, and humanity rather than repay evil with evil. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                Forever God
                                                Let us seek and rejoice in You
~ O LORD, our God, guide us to be a listening ear and helping hand to care for those with physical or mental illness or desperate life circumstance, and for those who are struggling to meet those needs.  We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                                Forever God
                                                Let us seek and rejoice in You
~ O LORD, our God, Grant us the joy to celebrate all who have now risen in Glory, free of misery and tears. We pray especially for:  

                                                Forever God
                                                Let us seek and rejoice in You

~ O LORD, our God, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                                Forever God
                                                Let us seek and rejoice in You
~ O LORD, our God, expand your enduring grace for those among us who, like Moses and Peter, are reluctant but willing to take on Your mantle of leadership in ministry on our behalf. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                Forever God
                                                Let us seek and rejoice in You

The Celebrant adds:  LORD God of Yesterday, Today, and Forever, free us from our desire for the superficial milk and honey of this life, and ignite our passion to Follow, not obstruct, the course of Christ, the ultimate and Divine reward for our living sacrifice. We ask in the name of Jesus, Son of Man, and the Holy Spirit, the Divine Fervor in our hearts, who reign together with You as One, Living and Eternal God. Amen.

All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. For more information or comments, contact: Leeosophy@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Prayers of the People: Keys and Connections 12th Sunday after Pentecost, '17 Yr A

For Sunday, August 27, 2017, 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Readings: Exodus 1:8-2:10, Psalm 124, Romans 12:1-8, Matthew 16:13-20

      Now a new king arose over Egypt...[who] commanded all his people "Every boy that is born to the Hebrews you shall throw into the Nile...[When the Levite] woman...bore a son...she got a papyrus basket...she put the child in it among the reeds on the bank of the river...The daughter of Pharoah...took pity on him...she took him as her son. She named him Moses, "because," she said, "I drew him out of the water." [Exodus 1:8a, 22a, 2:2a, 3a,b; 5a, 6b, 10b]

      Our help is in the Name of the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. [Psalm 124:8]

      ...by the mercies of God...present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship...Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed...that you may discern what is the will of God...We have gifts that differ according to the grace given us... [Romans 12:1b, 2, 6a]

      [Jesus] said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him..."I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." [Matthew 16:15-16, 17a, 19]

                Just as the well-worn literary device of "It was a dark and stormy night" alerts us to trouble ahead, so do the opening words of this passage of Exodus, "Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph." Of course we mostly know the story of Moses and what is to come so it is easy in a Sunday service to tune out and let the reading roll on while we look for our checkbooks, sneak a peek at a text message on our mobile phone, or think about what is needed for the evening meal. But the re-telling, of this and each of the other specifically appointed readings, gives us a chance to find a new focus, or hear something we hadn't noticed before. This is an opportunity to seek and discover the keys to unlocking the connections between the Hebrew and Christian Testaments and how - or if - it all informs and shapes our everyday life now, IF being the small yet formidable and operative word. Paul reminds us, in a most timely way, that we are one body in Christ with God-given, grace-filled gifts that we are to discover and offer in service to God and each other. In saying, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect, and then enumerating examples of the gifts God has given, Paul both admonishes and encourages us to look beyond ourselves and work together for God's purpose as a welcoming all-inclusive community of many members in Christ.
        The disciples express to Jesus at his asking who others think he is, perhaps wondering themselves if Jesus is some sort of re-incarnation of the prophets. But Simon Peter gets the prize for getting the answer correct. Peter - a name meaning rock in Greek - is then awarded the keys of the kingdom of heaven to bind and loose on earth and in heaven. Did Peter, in that moment, feel the enormous weight of the responsibility? Binding and loosing is a rabbinical concept that, as Jews, the disciples - and Matthew - understood. In very simplistic terms it means a communal judgment to bind as in obligation or to loosen that requirement. How does that apply to us in our lives today? 
        Many of us feel a strong obligation, or at least a commitment, to present ourselves in Church each Sunday, but of course we are free to not attend. So what does a true obligation to the work of Christ actually mean? Ah, that's where discernment applies. Discovering what are and how to use our particular gifts, as well as offering them in the sincere attempt to follow God's will, is the work of a lifetime, our spiritual worship, our living sacrifice. Our human gifts are the keys to unlocking our spiritual gifts when used in preparation for the true life that is to come. All that was, is now, and all that is now, will come again. It is up to us, individually and collectively, to recognize the connections we share with the past and the future that help us to decipher the signs that we are on the right path or diverging from it. To paraphrase mystic/monk Thomas Merton's helpful and hopeful prayer* that begins, "My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going...," the fact that I think I'm following God's will does not mean that I truly am doing so, BUT, I do believe that God knows when I am sincere in my desire to please and fulfill my calling. Sincerity of purpose is one key to the loosening of apprehension and the binding of trust. Connecting the lessons of the past and present is the key to the future of life everlasting.

*for the full text click here: Thomas Merton's Prayer

(As for a couple of biblical connections, the word for basket - as in the basket that Moses was placed in - is the same word as ark in Hebrew; ark is not just a vessel for water travel, it is a sanctuary, a safe place as a box or a chest such as the ark of the covenant. In Exodus, all Hebrew boy babies were ordered to be killed by Pharoah to prevent them growing up and revolting against him. Earlier in Matthew, Herod ordered all boys under 2 years old to be killed to prevent a Messiah from undermining his reign. Go forth and discover more each week!)


Leader:  ~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, as through the waters that birth us, that Moses was drawn from, that nourish the Earth and sometimes drown it, we often struggle to navigate our lives between the raging and the calm. Let us not drift aimlessly through tide and torrent, but by Your mercy, steer toward the Light of Christ, our Messiah, the Incarnation of Your Holy Will for us.

                                                O Lord, our God                                            
RESPONSE:             Renew and Transform us, we pray

~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, empower us to be dauntless in the vigorous pursuit of re-forming the attitudes, agenda, and actions from callous to compassionate on the part of the political leaders of this world, our country, and our community. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                O Lord, our God,
                                                Renew and Transform us, we pray

~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, infuse all who are lost in the grip of addiction, depression, or serious illness with hope and healing, and comfort all who give of their strength in support.  We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                                O Lord, our God,
                                                Renew and Transform us, we pray

~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, open wide the gates of heaven, as You receive in joy, those we now commend to the bliss of eternal life. We pray especially for: add your own petitions 

                                                O Lord, our God,
                                                Renew and Transform us, we pray

~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                                O Lord, our God,
                                                Renew and Transform us, we pray
~ Living God, our Maker and our Help, we offer our special thanksgivings for those who guide us by their teaching, preaching, and prayers to discern our own gifts and discover our path to all that is holy and acceptable to You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                O Lord, our God,
                                                Renew and Transform us, we pray
The Celebrant adds:  Holy and Immortal God, awaken us each morning with eagerness to offer ourselves in service to Your Supreme Will, to escape the snares of conforming to what is of this world, and bind ourselves to Your Kingdom. We ask through Jesus, Son of Man, our Blessed Messiah; and the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Advocate, who together with You are one God, omnipotent, eternal, and everlasting.   Amen.

All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. For more information or comments, contact: Leeosophy@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Prayers of the People: The Heart of the Matter, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, '17 Yr A

For Sunday, August 20, 2017, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Readings: Genesis 45:1-15, Psalm 133, Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; 
Matthew 15:(10-20), 21-28

       Joseph said to his brothers... "I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt...I will provide for you [in the land of Goshen]... and now your eyes...see that it is my own mouth that speaks to you...And he kissed all his brothers and wept upon them... [Genesis 45:4, 11a, 12a, 15a]

       Oh how good and pleasant it is when brethren live together in unity. [Psalm 133:1] 

       I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means!...For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. [Romans, 11:1a, 29]  

       Then [Jesus] said, "...But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart..." [Matthew 15:18a]
       But [the Canaanite woman] came and knelt before him,  saying, "Lord, help me." [Jesus] answered, "It is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered her, "Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." [Matthew 15:25-28]

      She is my hero. That Canaanite woman, that impure, foreign, woman, that non-Jew, that Gentile. I can imagine the scene - the disciples' rolling eyes and knowing looks of the she's one of them sort; their collective groans and oh please expulsions of breath in frustration, and finally asking Jesus to send her away as her shouts were annoying them. Can you see her, too? She's worrying about her child, seeking the help of the man she knows can work the miracle she and her child seek. Yet in her greatest moment of need, or perhaps because of it, she of the lowliest stature, risks all to get a response from Jesus who then dismisses her, in effect, telling her she's no better than a dog. She gives a highly unexpected response that is food for thought for any of us who have diminished anyone - especially those we think of as not one of us - by a thought, a look, a comment, or especially an action that seeks to elevate ourselves above another. Jesus answers the ubiquitous question, What Would Jesus Do? THIS, THIS is what Jesus did: he heard her speak her truth to his power, and he acclaimed her for her faith and healed her daughter.  
       And Joseph is also a hero to me. Sold into slavery to a foreign land by his own jealous brothers and then rising to an exalted position in the court of the pharaoh. Let me count the ways of revenge he might have used on them. But he didn't. He found himself in a position to help his family despite their actions against him. He forgave them. He gave them his love and protection. 
       God has created us one and all and gives us the free will to make what we can out of our human condition. Some days, some times of life, are clearly better than others for each of us yet we all are God's chosen children. Luckily for the human race, God didn't give me or any of us the job of deciding who is the right sort, who is acceptable, or who belongs with the dogs. 
       Paul tells us, the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. God, in Jesus, did give me the responsibility of giving voice to faith, to use the gifts well, and to answer the call from the good in my heart, even if some days all I have are the crumbs of hope. Yet it is faith, however fragile at times, that is the key that opens the door and reveals the heart of the matter.


Leader:  ~ Eternal God, Most High, by and in Your Creation, everyone is Your beloved. Free us from the rancor and hostilities of an us and them world, and fill us with the inner peace and the confidence of faith, to see others as ourselves and know they, too, are completely Yours, never, ever discarded by Your choice.

                                      Jesus, Son of God        
RESPONSE:   Grant us Your Peace

~ Eternal God, Most High, grant us the tenacity to sway the minds and hearts of the leaders of our Planet, our Nation, and our Community, to the ways of justice, integrity, and peace, that we may all live as You intend, kindred souls called to Your purpose. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace
~ Eternal God, Most High, lighten the burden of all who are in the pit of despair, chronic pain, or serious illness, and preserve the health and patience of those who give care. We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace
~ Eternal God, Most High, our thanksgivings allay the earthly pain of loss knowing that our loved ones live again, received with the ecstatic grace of everlasting life in You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions 

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace

~ Eternal God, Most High, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace
~ Eternal God, Most High, bestow an extra measure of blessing on our spiritual leaders for the innumerable ways they care for us and work to strengthen our faith in You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace
The Celebrant adds:  LORD of All Blessing, LORD of All Life, open our ears to hear our hearts, open our hearts to hear Your Voice, and open our mouths to speak only Your love. We ask, in great faith, through Jesus, the Master of our Table, and the Holy Spirit, the Guide of our Souls, who together with You are One God, now and forever. Amen.

                                    Jesus, Son of God
                                    Grant us Your Peace

All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. For more information or comments, contact: Leeosophy@gmail.com

Monday, August 7, 2017

Prayers of the People: That Sinking Feeling, 10th Sunday after Pentecost '17 Yr A

For Sunday, August 13, 2017, 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Readings: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Psalm 105:1-6, 16-42, 45b; 
Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33

       Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph best of all his sons, for he was a child of his old age; and he had made him an ornamented tunic...his brothers...hated him. [Genesis 37: 3, 4b - Jewish Study Bible]

      Give thanks to the Lord and call upon his Name, make known his deeds among the peoples...let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. [Psalm 105: 1, 3b]

      For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. [Romans 10:12]

     But when the disciples saw [Jesus] walking on the sea, they were terrified...But...Jesus...said, "...it is I, do not be afraid." Peter [said]..."command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." [Peter] became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught [Peter], saying to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" When they got into the boat, the wind ceased.  [Matthew 14:26a, 28-, 30b, 31-32]

      Jacob made his son, Joseph, a "an ornamented tunic," or, "a richly embroidered robe," or, a "long robe with sleeves" depending on the translation you read. The differences in description are because the Hebrew itself is not clear. But the story is known far and wide, by believers and non-believers alike, as Joseph and his coat of many colors, the coat being a symbol of a father's great love for his son and the jealousy wrought by extreme sibling rivalry. God is with Joseph throughout his entire ordeal and despite his brothers' treachery, Joseph survived many hardships and was able to repay his brothers in surprising ways as we'll soon see. 
      The constancy of God is a continuing theme in the Jacob saga and throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, no matter the whims and wastes of those God loves. The Psalmist reminds us to call upon his name and to search for the Lord and his strength.
      Paul tells us that God in Jesus is Lord of all, of everyone, whether Jew or Greek or whatever the color of your coat - this was a shocking idea in those times, a notion that God doesn't dismiss or exclude those people who aren't one of us was quite radical - no wonder Paul ended up in prison! Imagine if we felt that way today - oh, wait, that happens as much today as ever. It leads to the kind of betrayal Joseph's brothers visited upon him, it encourages violence, irrational hatred, and divides neighborhoods and nations. Yet Paul is adamant that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved [Romans 10:13].  Furthermore, we are the ones who are to proclaim Christ to all.  
     Just as God is Lord of ALL, regardless of human categorization of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, status in life, etc., Jesus calls - requires - us all to be out of the boat to get our feet wet in the realities of life's unpredictable times, tides, and weather. Nothing easy about it - just ask Peter. But praying for the trust to believe in our hearts, to speak our faith out loud in words and actions and bring Christ to others, will help us find the strength we need to pull ourselves and each other up from that sinking feeling of fear and doubt. Jesus bids us Come, and together we will know and share the calmer seas of the Good News. 


Leader:  ~ Infinite Merciful God, You are the Constant who will guide us through the calm and chaos in the seas of our earthly life if we but believe in our hearts, and call upon Your Holy Name. Amplify our faith, remove our doubts and fear. Grant us the willingness and determination to answer’s Christ simple call, “Come.”

                                                Jesus, our Lord
RESPONSE:             Our Strength and our Refuge

~ Infinite Merciful God, empower us to employ the Gospel message with the leaders of our World, our Country, and our Community, in seeking the great expansion of peace, health, and well-being for all of Your people everywhere. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                Jesus, our Lord
                                                Our Strength and our Refuge   
~ Infinite Merciful God, soothe the hearts and minds of all who struggle with chronic illness, pain, or anxiety, and renew the stamina for those who give them care. We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                                Jesus, our Lord
                                                Our Strength and our Refuge   
~ Infinite Merciful God, we offer our prayers of thanksgiving and praise for the new life of our loved ones who have now reached the glorious and eternal shores of heaven. We pray especially for: add your own petitions 

                                                Jesus, our Lord
                                                Our Strength and our Refuge   

~ Infinite Merciful God, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                                Jesus, our Lord
                                                Our Strength and our Refuge   
~ Infinite Merciful God, we ask Your special blessing for those among us who choose and are chosen to live their lives in service to You, bringing us Your Word and Wisdom. Grant them spiritual vitality and an even keel as they sail through all the waters ahead, known and unknown. We pray especially for: add your own petitions                                                          
                                                Jesus, our Lord
                                                Our Strength and our Refuge  

The Celebrant adds: Almighty and Everliving God, You created us all in Your image, in coats of many colors, and bid us always to turn to You in each hour of life. Let us eagerly answer Your call with courage and conviction, in tempest and tranquility, in this life and the next. We ask this through Jesus, our Teacher, and the Holy Spirit, our Shield, who together with You, live as our One God forever and ever. 

All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. For more information or comments, contact: Leeosophy@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Prayers of the People: Transfiguration ~ Cloudy with a Chance of Reign, The Transfiguration '17 Yr A

For Sunday, August 6, 2017, Transfiguration, Year A, Readings: Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99:5-9, 2Peter 1:13-21, Luke 9:28-36

        [Moses] came down from Mount Sinai...with the two tablets of the covenant in his hand...Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God...When Moses had finished speaking with [Aaron and the Israelites] he put a veil on his face; but whenever Moses went in before the Lord...he would take the veil off until he came out. [Exodus 34:29-30, 33]

      ...they called upon the Lord, and he answered them. He spoke to them out of the pillar of cloud.  [Psalm 99:6b, 7a]

      We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven...So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. [2 Peter 1: 18-19] 

      Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. [Luke 9:28-31]

            It was a miracle of God in which Jesus is not the one performing but the one receiving. Jesus took several disciples to the mountain to pray. We don't know if Jesus knew this moment was coming. His three companions were certainly blasted awake from the sleepiness that was about to overtake them as suddenly, at this moment, at the top of the mountain, in a near-blinding all-encompassing cloud, that Human and Divine meet, when Jesus is the immediate conduit between heaven and earth, when the temporal and eternal spark a dazzling display of transcendent, Majestic Glory all in the sight of the chosen disciples who then bear witness to the prophecy confirmed. 
          Moses and Elijah appear, representing the Law and the Prophets, converse with Jesus about his coming departure at Jerusalem, then they vanish. God speaks again, as at the Baptism of Jesus, to say that Jesus is God’s beloved Son and to tell the chosen disciples (and us!) to listen to him. Luke, in the original Greek, carefully chooses exodus as the word to describe the departure of Jesus. Through this new Exodus, the departure of Jesus in death and resurrection, a new order, that of the Messiah, is established, leading God's people out of the bondage of sin and into the true and eternal promised land of the Kingdom of Heaven.
         The Transfiguration is a critical piece in the significant events in the life of Jesus. The others are his Baptism, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension. It is at this moment that Christ is confirmed by God as His Son, the Chosen, to those present. The mission of the disciples is then fully inaugurated in their own minds and they spend the rest of their lives in Christ's service and spreading the Gospel. It is this moment, in this spectacular cloud, that the Reign of Christ, our King, begins. It is this moment, now, that we must emerge as if from a cloud to listen, to learn, and to chance to live into the Reign of Jesus, by our thoughts, our words, and our actions. God knows we are marked as Christ's own forever. It's time again that we know, too.  


Leader:  ~ God of Majesty and Glory, upon Your Sacred Mountains you gave Moses the Law for our instruction and transfigured the Being of Your Son, Jesus, as the shining example for our lives. Rise in our hearts as the morning star as we seek to lift the Gospel veil to listen, and then to live according to Your Word.

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God                            
RESPONSE:             Transfigure us for Your Service

~ God of Majesty and Glory, transform the hearts, the souls, and the minds of the leaders of this world, this nation, and this community, so that their judgments are unclouded by personal ambition, and they legislate justice with wisdom, tempered with mercy for all.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God
                                                Transfigure us for Your Service
~ God of Majesty and Glory, comfort all who are ill, weary, or anxious, with Your Presence and grant unfailing strength of body and heart to all who care for the weakest of Your children. We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God
                                                Transfigure us for Your Service
~ God of Majesty and Glory, we give You thanks for those we love who are now received into the holy whirlwind of Your divine radiance, to live again with You in the glory of Christ Jesus forever. We pray especially for:  add your own petitions

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God
                                                Transfigure us for Your Service

~ God of Majesty and Glory, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God
                                                Transfigure us for Your Service
~ God of Majesty and Glory, endow with fortitude and vitality all who are chosen and anointed as the exemplars of Your Word and Will, our spiritual beacons on the sacred path. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                Beloved Jesus, Face of God
                                                Transfigure us for Your Service
The Celebrant adds:  God of gods, Lord of lords, infuse us with greater strength and purpose to faithfully reaffirm our covenant with You. May our lives and souls be purified through the dazzling brilliance of the Transfigured Christ, and the mystical breath of the Holy Spirit, who together with You reign as One God, now and forever.  Amen.

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