For Sunday, June
21, 2020, Readings: Genesis
21:8-21, Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17; Romans 6:1b -11, Matthew 10:24-49 [Track 1]
God said to Abraham, "Do not be distressed because of the boy and...your
slave as [Sarah] tells you, for it is through Isaac that offspring
will be named for you. I will make a nation of him also, because he is your
offspring...God called to Hagar..."Do not be afraid; lift up the boy...I
will make a great nation of him"...God was with the boy... [Genesis 21:12-13, 17b-18, 20a]
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, and great is
your love for all who call upon you...In the time of my trouble I will call
upon you, for your will answer me. [Psalm 86: 5, 7]
of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, so we too might walk in newness of life...So you also much consider
yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. [Romans 6:3b, 4b, 11]
So do not be afraid; you
are of more value than many sparrows..."Everyone therefore who
acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in
heaven...I have not come to bring peace, but a sword...whoever does not take up
the cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Those who find their life will
lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it." [Matthew 10:31-32,
34b, 38-39]
In last week's reading from Genesis, Sarah was laughing -
she got caught, denied it, and was brought up short. She was then granted
happiness in her old age, or so we thought.
This week we find a different Sarah,
jealous and vengeful, separating the child from his father, Abraham, and willing to allow that child and his mother to
die. God calmed Abraham and later Hagar, by telling her Do not be afraid.
And we are told about this other son of Abraham, known to us as Ishmael, upon
whom God also founded a nation, that God was with the boy.
Paul reminds us that in Baptism we die, to sin that is, and if all goes
well with us, we are alive to God in Jesus. And then Jesus tells the disciples
(us, too) not to have fear of those who disparage him. Yet although the
words those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul are
fearsome, Jesus reminds us that even sparrows sold cheaply are valued by God.
He echoes God in saying do not be afraid because we are
more valuable than many sparrows.
THEN, BOOM - where did THIS Jesus come from: Not bringing peace but a
sword, setting family against family, households against one another?
Separating us from him if we love others more? We have arrived at Part 2 of
Jesus' teaching on what discipleship actually means. Last week we were sheep in
the midst of wolves and now we learn what can happen when confronting those
wolves, when we pick up His cross and follow Him. He has my attention - he had
me at I have not come to bring peace, but a sword...
But then, how different is this from
what we experience in life, especially in these tumultuous times, when we hold
differing opinions with those we love? Political and even religious rhetoric
can be fiery and fierce, families and friends stop speaking to one
another. Strangers are yelling at each other in the streets and, of
course, on social media.
world seems angrier than ever and us vs them boils over all
too often into violence. The difference is that Jesus stops us in our tracks in
this Gospel with his sword, because it begs the questions to ourselves and each
other: What really is our life all about? How easily - like
sheep - do we bolt headlong into everything except what our Shepherd
wants? He doesn't want us to stop loving each other, but we are to love Him
more. The glint of the sword blade is a clear warning that being steadfast in
faith, acknowledging Him above all else - family, friends, job, lifestyle, etc.
- is fraught with far more than separation anxiety, it can be dangerous for a
mere human. We are not the sword-carriers, we are bearers of the Word, the Good
News. And some days will be easier than others. But this is not a part-time
occupation, a Sunday thing, or a Christmas and Easter duty. This is what we
sign up for when we call ourselves Followers of Christ. The pay-off is
full-time, eternal life. No easy road but if we travel together, we can keep
the wolves at bay while losing only that which keeps us from finding our true
life. Remember that pray without ceasing thing? Start NOW and,
oh yes: Do not be afraid. God in Christ is with us.
Leader: ~ O
Lord, Good and Forgiving, You bid us to choose between living now in false
comfort or with division by walking in the newness of Christ. Keep us
grounded, strong in our faith, willing to bear the cost in this life for the
promise of Jesus in the next.
O God, Great and
Wondrous RESPONSE:
We lift our souls to Your
~ O Lord,
Good and Forgiving, give us the courage to be what we expect and demand of
political leaders in this World, across our Country, and in our Local cities
and towns. Strengthen us to work in large and small ways to end
quarreling, power plays, and violence that separate and kill us here and across
this Earth. We pray especially for: Donald,
our President; Tom, Chris, and Lisa, our Members of Congress; John, our
Governor; Matt, our County Executive; and Mike, our Mayor.
O God, Great and Wondrous
We lift our souls to Your Mercy
~ O Lord,
Good and Forgiving, comfort and help all who are seriously ill, addicted, or
homeless, and grant extra blessings for all who provide support. We now join
our hearts to pray aloud for those in need…
O God, Great and Wondrous
We lift our souls to Your Mercy~ O Lord,
Good and Forgiving, we commend those we love to the freedom of eternal
life, resurrected and alive in Jesus, never to die again. We
pray especially for…
O God, Great and Wondrous
lift our souls to Your Mercy
~ O Lord, Good and
Forgiving, we
pause in this moment to offer You our
other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions, petitions, and memorials…
O God, Great and Wondrous
We lift our souls to Your Mercy
~ O Lord, Good and Forgiving, lift the hearts and souls of those
anointed to guide us in Your Church in these wearying times. Grant unceasing
energy as they endeavor to fortify us in our discipleship, seeking to be worthy
of Christ. We pray especially for: Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Kevin
our Bishop; David, our Rector; Lloyd, our Rector Emeritus; Emily and Peter, our
Associate Priests.
O God, Great and Wondrous
We lift our souls to Your Mercy
The Celebrant adds:
O Lord, our God, rescue us from the desert of denial, open our eyes to the
wellspring of the Spirit, awaken our hearts to live first for Christ, and
companion us to walk unafraid in Your Light and Love. We ask in the
name of Christ Jesus, our Sin-Bearer; and the Holy Spirit, our Fount of all
Wisdom; who together with You are One God, now and forever. Amen.
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