For Sunday, March
15, 2020 ~ Readings:
Exodus 17:1-7,
Psalm 95,
Romans 5:1-11,
John 4:5-42
Moses said to them,
"Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?"...The LORD
said to Moses...I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb.
Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so the people may drink." [Exodus 17:2b, 5a,
Come, let us sing to
the LORD, let us shout for joy to the Rock of our Salvation. [Psalm
we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand;
and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. [Romans
Well was there and Jesus tired out by his journey, was sitting by the well...A
Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, "Give me a
drink."...The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a
Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" (Jews do not share things in
common with Samaritans.) Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of
God...he would have given you living water....God is spirit, and those who
worship him must worship in spirit and truth." [John
4:6a, 7a, 9-10, 24]
In this Gospel reading, Jesus is taking a shortcut to Galilee. He
and the disciples with him are in a part of the country where no respectable
Jew would usually travel let alone strike up a conversation with one of those
people, who is, of all things, also a woman! When the Jews
returned from exile in Babylon, four centuries prior to this encounter, they refused
to allow the Samaritans to participate in the rebuilding of Jerusalem and
particularly the Temple. For the Samaritans, the Temple separated and
centralized the worship of God in Jerusalem which gave rise to the woman’s comment
to Jesus about the Samaritan worship of God on their own mountain. Also, the
Jews would neither eat nor drink with Samaritans – it was likely, in part,
because of the Jewish purity laws although we don't know all the issues that
divided them. This passage highlights Jesus' willingness to have this
conversation and to tell of the coming time when worship for all will be very
different for the true believers, that worship of God is not exclusive to a
time, place, or people. It also underscores many of the issues of the
other in our current life and times.
Differences in culture, dress, religion, food and drink,
accents, even among those of our own nation – and foremost, skin color – separate
us, narrowing our human experiences, creating deep and ancient, or at least
very old prejudices, handed down through generations with little explanation or
understanding of the roots of the conflict. The Hatfields and McCoys of life
and legend in our land, are just one example. Left unchecked and re-evaluated, layers
of mistrust continue to deepen and solidify, turn to un-examined hate, and all
too often, violence. Us vs. Them, is a prevailing human issue – if you're one
of them you cannot be one of us. All too often we
can't – or rather won’t – discuss the whys and wherefores of our
opinions and deeply held beliefs. Understanding each other might taint what
we've been taught to believe by those we accept as authoritative. Our beliefs
have been sustained and enhanced by the continual distraction, misinformation,
and propaganda from those who profit from our divisions. And, whether we
admit it or not, many of us don’t like facts to get in the way of what
we want to believe. Thinking differently about something I thought was undisputed
is very uncomfortable, even scary.
WWYD? What Would You Do
- if you were desperately thirsty in a place you didn't feel you belonged in,
or your car broke down in a strange location, or you witnessed someone unlike
yourself being harassed or worse? How have we fostered the isolating of
ourselves and the marginalizing of others by what we have done
and by what we have left undone?* Possibly in
the communal desert of our own making, we falsely believe that it keeps us being
us and them away from us which makes everything better for us.
Great logic? I regularly have to stop and examine my reactions and the
in-my-head responses to think and wonder why I am for it or against it,
whatever it is and to whom it is directed, as
well as who I accept as my authority on the matter and why. Lent is a
moment to think about our desert moments in life. Is God in Jesus my Living
Water for consolation, hope, compassion, and love of my neighbor as if s/he is
myself, or just the One I blame and complain to? Jesus told the Samaritan
woman that God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship
in spirit and truth.
This is a Well that runs deep. How well are we each searching to bring up to our conscious thoughts and acts the living water, the spirit and truth of God, the Creator of ALL life in its multitude of shapes, forms, cultures, colors, genders, genomes, and faiths. How often do we say grace yet hate the neighbors - you know the ones who post opposite political views on Facebook or bumper stickers, attend a different church, mosque, temple, synagogue, or none at all? Jesus tells the Samaritan woman first before all others that he is the Messiah. She believes him. Do we? Time for us each to dig deep.
*from the Confession in the
Book of Common Prayer, pg 360, emphasis addedThis is a Well that runs deep. How well are we each searching to bring up to our conscious thoughts and acts the living water, the spirit and truth of God, the Creator of ALL life in its multitude of shapes, forms, cultures, colors, genders, genomes, and faiths. How often do we say grace yet hate the neighbors - you know the ones who post opposite political views on Facebook or bumper stickers, attend a different church, mosque, temple, synagogue, or none at all? Jesus tells the Samaritan woman first before all others that he is the Messiah. She believes him. Do we? Time for us each to dig deep.
Leader: ~ O God
of Grace and Peace, drive us from the desert of discouragement we lead
ourselves into by our wayward hearts and selfish grumblings. Guide us back
to the saving water from the Rock of Faith that washes away all fear, anguish,
and uncertainty.
Lord of Living
souls are quenched in You
~ O God of Grace and
Peace, awaken, inspire, and turn the efforts of the leaders of this World,
this Nation, and this Community into a cooperative spirit, especially now, for
the common purpose of the health, safety, and prospering of all Your people
everywhere. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water
souls are quenched in You
~ O God of Grace and
Peace, pour Your love and enduring hope into those who are seriously ill
and fearful of what is to come. Grant health and safety to all who minister to
their needs. We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water
souls are quenched in You
~ O God of Grace and
Peace, bathe the hearts of the mournful with Your healing mercy as those who
have departed this life now dance with joy in the fountains of eternity with
You. We pray especially for… add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water
souls are quenched in You
~ O God of Grace and Peace, we pause in this moment to offer You our
other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions, petitions, and memorials, aloud
or silently… add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water
souls are quenched in You
~ O God of Grace and Peace, refresh the spirit of those we have called into
leadership for Your Church. May their faith in You course so strongly in their
hearts that they and we are sustained and renewed with the courage of their
convictions. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water
souls are quenched in You
The Celebrant adds: Great
LORD of Heaven and of All the Earth, Christ among us is the proof of Your love
for us and the model for how to live as an inclusive community of faith. Unharden
our hearts to rid the world of prejudice and hate by reconciling ourselves with
others, planting seeds of kindness and tolerance, and returning real or
perceived insults and injuries with forgiveness. We ask this through Jesus, the
Rock of our Salvation; and the Holy Spirit, the Sustainer of our souls; who live
and reign with You, One God, Fount of all that is infinite and
eternal. Amen.
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