for March 8,
2015,Third Sunday in Lent, Year B, Readings: Ex 20:1-7, Ps 19, 1
Cor 1:18-25, John 2:13-22
I am the LORD your shall have no other gods before me. [Exodus 20:2a,3]
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You shall not make for yourself an idol*, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [Exodus 20:4]
Remember the Sabbath* Day and keep it holy...a sabbath to the LORD your God... [Exodus 20:8,10a]
I don't have much time for this, life is so busy - I need to write an email, update my Facebook status, text my sister, and get those last three stars on Angry Birds before that Housewives show comes on. Tomorrow is the hair appointment with pedicure, manicure, and facial before the department store, Costco, and the liquor store then dinner at that new restaurant. Thankfully I'm retired - I do not know how I got everything done when I was working full-time and raising my family. So, I've decided to take this moment as a sort of Sabbath moment to think about these readings as quickly as I can for my Lent thing. OF COURSE God is above all other gods. And idols, I don't pray to or worship idols, only ancient peoples did that. The Sabbath thing - I remember when everything was shut down tight on Sundays, thank heavens that for the sake of convenience and commerce - people need jobs you know - that we can shop for everything these days 24/7 - that reminds me I need to log onto Amazon for those shoes and I'm thinking about a new tablet...Oh and the rest of the Commandments, right, well I don't bear false witness or covet, or those other terrible things, well maybe a little covet now and then. But Jesus with a whip - wow - turning the tables in more ways than one!
But wait, then "he was speaking of the temple of his body." [John 2:21]
Ah, I think I need to sit with that for a moment as a sudden memory of my grandmother has taken me over. She is telling me that my body is a temple of God and I should treat it with holiness. When was the last time I ever thought of that? Maybe I need to take more than a moment for this Sabbath to the LORD my God...
But wait, then "he was speaking of the temple of his body." [John 2:21]
Ah, I think I need to sit with that for a moment as a sudden memory of my grandmother has taken me over. She is telling me that my body is a temple of God and I should treat it with holiness. When was the last time I ever thought of that? Maybe I need to take more than a moment for this Sabbath to the LORD my God...
Leader: ~ Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, in the
covenant given to us through Moses, we have received Your Divine Principles for
the direction of our daily lives. Fill us with the desire to set our love for
You above all else in life and to follow Your commandments with every thought
and action.
O LORD, our God
RESPONSE: You are our Strength and Our Redeemer
Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, as we may struggle to obey Your commandments
to benefit ourselves, help us to lessen the struggle for the well being of all
of Your people. Give us courage to actively engage with political leaders to
temper human law with justice and
mercy. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O LORD, our God
You are our Strength and our Redeemer
Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, revive the souls of those lost in the illness
of body or despair of mind and give comfort to all who provide others with care.
We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O LORD, our God
You are our Strength and our Redeemer
Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, infuse the grieving with Your warmth and
healing as the doors of Heaven open wide to receive those we love who have now
gone ahead. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O LORD, our God
You are our Strength and our Redeemer
Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, we pause
in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud
or silently…
O LORD, our God
You are our Strength and our Redeemer
Holy God, Supreme in Wisdom and Love, inspire the words and meditations of
those who lead us in Your Church, that we may be drawn, through them, to willingly
and joyfully follow the path You have set for us. We pray especially for:
add your own petitions
O LORD, our God
You are our Strength and our Redeemer
The Celebrant adds: Holy and Mighty God
Above All, You created each of us as a living temple acceptable in Your sight, to
live in and for the love of You, our neighbors, and ourselves. Guide us to
always seek rest in You and help us to escape the lure of idols in the distractions
of earthly life. We ask through the wisdom of Christ and the power of the Holy
Spirit who together with You, reign as One God, forever and ever. Amen.
*What are the idols in your life that keep you from a holy Sabbath to the LORD your God?
* What does Sabbath mean to you?
* What does Sabbath mean to you?
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