A moment of contemplation for yourself or on behalf of others on everything from the life-altering to the mundane.

Prayer: A conversation with The Higher Other who lives within each of us. An invitation to vent, to re-think, to ask, and to rest.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Prayers of the People: If only...16th Sunday after Pentecost Yr A

For Sunday, 24, 2017, 16th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Readings: Exodus 16:2-15, Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45, Philippians 1:21-30, Matthew 20:1-16

       The Israelites said to [Moses and Aaron], "If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we...ate our fill of bread..." [Exodus 16:3a]

       Glory in his holy Name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Search for the LORD and his strength; continually seek his face. [Psalm 105:3-4]

       Only, live your life in a manner worth of the gospel of Christ...standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side with one mind for the faith of the gospel, and are in no way intimidated by your opponents. [Philippians 1:27-28]

       When the first came, they thought they'd receive more...they grumbled against the landowner. But he replied to one of them..."Take what belongs to you..I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you..." So the last will be first, and the first will be last. 
[Matthew 20:10a, 11b, 13a, 14, 16]

        The Israelites were rescued from generations of horrific slavery and tortuous lives. After sending plague upon plague to dazzle Pharaoh and persuade him to Let God's People GO - God parted The Red (aka Reed) Sea so they could escape from the Egyptians again when Pharaoh changed his mind. The escape was no picnic given the initial lack of food and water yet given what they'd left it seems, to us looking back, that things were better on the whole. But the unknown road became more frightening than the known hardships they had fled, even with the proven leadership of Moses and Aaron and their demonstrated relationship with God. And so the whole congregation complained against Moses and Aaron, saying, "If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt..." [Exodus 16:2-3, emphasis added]  And God followed through on another promise and generously provided the meat and bread to fill them. It wouldn't be the last time they grumbled. Perhaps they didn't feel that they had gotten what they deserved. In any case, even after meals delivered by wing and frost, they hadn't learned to trust in God.
       The vineyard laborers in the parable of Jesus aren't happy that the Landowner is simply using his prerogative to be generous. Same pay for an hour's work as for a full day - who wouldn't get upset about that? Don't those who worked longer and did more work deserve more? How many of us Good Christian People would grumble about that Landowner in the parking lot? If only we could feel - and stop - the creeping envy, greed, and judgment filling us, and allow for simple generosity. Do we ever learn?
        It's a difficult balance to fight for equity and fairness for ourselves and others in our temporal life, while relinquishing jealousy and anger at not getting what we perceive is deserved.  God isn't leading us by clouds and pillars of fire these days, but by the Word of Christ. Am I seeking it? Am I hearing it? Am I listening? Am I following? My prayer is to try to find that balance, to not leave to the last the cutting back on my envy and grumbling; and, oh yes: Dear Lord, please save me from all that I actually deserve. If only...    


Leader:  ~ Most Generous God, if only we could remember that Your love for us is limitless as we grumble and complain about fairness in this life. Fill us with the Living Bread that we may stand firm with one spirit, striving together with one mind, for the faith of Christ’s Gospel now, and for the Life to come.

                                                O LORD, our God                                         
RESPONSE:            Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength

~ Most Generous God, especially in these times of ongoing natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and destructive wars, equip us with the ability to sway the leaders of our World, our Nation, and our Community toward thoughtful, reasoned decisions based in justice, mercy, and peace. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                O LORD, our God
                                                Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength
~ Most Generous God, enfold all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit into Your loving cloud of hope, and lift the spirits of those who give them care. We now join our voices to pray aloud for those in need… add your own petitions

                                                O LORD, our God
                                                Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength
~ Most Generous God, we commend to Your eternal embrace all, still loved in this life, who now live again and forever with Christ. We pray especially for: add your own petitions 

                                                O LORD, our God
                                                Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength

~ Most Generous God, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions, petitions, and memorials, aloud or silently… add your own petitions

                                                O LORD, our God
                                                Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength
~ Most Generous God, grant unlimited delight and ceaseless wisdom to all who have been chosen to elevate Your Church into a vibrant community of faith. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                                O LORD, our God
                                                Urge our hearts to seek Your Strength

The Celebrant adds:  The Celebrant adds:  O God of Grace and Glory, compel our souls to desire life with Christ first in our every thought and action, and not leave the release of all judgment, greed, and envy within us to the last. We ask this grace through Jesus, our Hope and our Salvation, and the Holy Spirit, our Advocate and Sanctifier, who live and reign together with You, now and forever. Amen

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