Let us go and ascend the mountain of the HOLY ONE of SINAI, to the home of the God of Jacob [of the line of Rebekah]…” God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide justly for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. [Isaiah 2:3b,4]
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not stray from your commandments. In my heart I treasure your word, that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you AGELESS ONE; teach me your statutes…With my lips I recount all the judgements of your mouth. [Psalm 119:10-12]
Through Christ you have come to faith in God who raised Jesus from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are upon God… from a pure heart love one another persistently…You have been born again… through the living and enduring word of God… The grass withers…but the word of the Living God abides forever. [1 Peter 1:21, 22c, 23a,c; 24a,c; 25]
Leader: ~ HOLY ONE of SINAI, fill our
souls, our hearts, and our minds with longing to ascend your mountain daily through
our prayer. Teach us all how to proclaim the Good News of your realm, and to
walk in your paths by our words and works. Grant us individual selflessness and
communal caring, with your love always on our lips.
~ HOLY ONE OF SINAI, as you decide justly for many peoples,
guide especially all who lead the nations of this world, this country, and this
community to paths of peace. May they, and we, beat the swords and spears of our
collective words and actions into plowshares and pruning hooks for safe and
affordable housing and healthcare, healthful and plentiful nutrition,
responsible care for our planet, and true justice and mercy for all of Your Creation
and its humanity. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
~ HOLY ONE OF SINAI, relieve the pain of those who suffer from
chronic illness, anxiety, or depression, and refresh all who provide care and
comfort. We now join our hearts to pray for those in need… add
your own petitions
~ HOLY ONE OF SINAI, lift the
heavy weight from all who mourn, as those who have now left us in this life,
rejoice and dance in Your everlasting light. We pray
especially for: add your own petitions
~ HOLY ONE OF SINAI, we pause in
this moment to offer You our other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions,
petitions, and memorials, aloud or silently…add your own petitions
~ HOLY ONE OF SINAI, we give You thanks and praise for all who are anointed to guide our lives and souls in Your Church, opening the paths to understanding and living Your Word, and journeying with us toward the fulfillment of Your purpose. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
The Celebrant adds: O God of Jacob, of the line of
Rebekah, we are loved by you as your own children raised together, yet across
time and space. May we love persistently with pure hearts, through your living
and enduring Word in the teaching,
preaching, and physical and spiritual healing of Christ. We ask through the
name of Jesus, our Salvation; and the Holy Spirit, our soul-spark of Wisdom;
who together with You are our One, Holy,
and Ever-Living God, from the Beginning, Now, and Forever. Amen.
*Readings for our Parish in this Year C are from The Rev. Dr. Wilda [Wil] Gafney, Womanist biblical scholar, and the Right Rev. Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. She is the author of A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church Yr C, and others in her series, and translator of its biblical selections. I definitely commend her book for the complete readings, to Clergy and Laity, for her Text Notes, and “Preaching Prompts” whether or not you will use them in your Liturgies/Services/Preaching. There is much to learn from her work to inform every facet of our lives in Christ. To learn more about her and her work, see her website: https://www.wilgafney.com/
**Breathe on Me Breath of God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmkzSjs9eAw
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