For July 20, 2014, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Readings: Gen 28: 10-19; Ps 139: 1-12, 21-23; Romans 8:12-25;
Mt 13:24-30, 36-43
...for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn. [Mt 13: 29-30]
As a sometimes gardener, I often don't know the weed
from the desired seedling until there's been significant growth and by then it
is a losing game trying to keep up with them. And sometimes, the weed is
prettier than the plant I wanted, that is, until it takes over the rest of the
yard. There are multiple exceptions of course, many weeds are clearly a
menace to the order and beauty of the garden, can wreak serious havoc with
the crop, and really try my patience.
But it isn't at all unlike moving with groups of people. I'm
still learning that very often those who appear to be less attractive on the
outside have an interior beauty that blooms through into their lives, cultivating and spreading the seeds of goodness and joy all around them. Others
who seem to blossom profusely on the outside fade pretty quickly in the scheme
of things after attempts to spread their charms are unwelcome. Thankfully,
I'm very glad that I'm not in charge of what gets to the barn and what gets
burned. I need to pay attention to what within me needs some pruning.
Leader: ~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, we are led
by You as the children of God and made joint heirs with Jesus to eternal life
in glory. Let us take the wings of each morning to labor in the fields of our
Lord, where every place we stop is Beth-El, the House of God.
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, grant those who serve the
governments of the world, our country, and our community, the courage and
honesty to clear the choking vines of injustice, greed, and war from the lives
of all God’s people. Kindle the light of mercy and generosity in their hearts
and souls. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
Help us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, relieve the pain and despair
from those who suffer illness, injury, or addiction, and sustain the strength
of those who support them. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
Help us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, please lift the veil of
sorrow from those of us who grieve as we release those we love from this life
into Your joyous welcome and eternal glory. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
Help us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, we pause in this moment to offer You our
other heartfelt intentions and petitions, silently or aloud…
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
Help us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
~ Spirit of Hope and Patience, we commend to You, with
gratitude, those who have committed their lives to us in Your service. Continue
to inspire and uphold them as they work with us in Your Creation and lead us
always toward You. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Sow in us good seeds, O Christ
Help us clear the weeds from our hearts and minds
The Celebrant adds: O God who knows us from the womb, teach us
to search our own hearts to find our way to You, as we climb through the weeds and
bracken in the hills and valleys of this life. We ask for Your mercy through
Jesus, our Christ, and the peace of the Holy Spirit, who live and reign with
You, One God, in all Glory and through Eternity. Amen.
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