A moment of contemplation for yourself or on behalf of others on everything from the life-altering to the mundane.

Prayer: A conversation with The Higher Other who lives within each of us. An invitation to vent, to re-think, to ask, and to rest.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Meditation Moments: Revere this Greek Bearing Gifts

St. Nikolaos, The Wonder Worker
 A classic Russian Icon
depicting St Nicholas and scenes from his life
painted c late 1400s
         Today is the feast of the historical and mythical St Nicholas, born of wealthy Greek parentage in Asia Minor on March 15, 270, he lived until December 6, 343.  Serving as priest and bishop in Greek territories in what is now modern day Turkey, as Bishop of Myra, he answered the call of the Emperor Constantine in 325 CE/AD to the First Council of Nicaea and, as a staunch defender of the divinity of Christ, became a signer of the Nicene Creed used to this day. Venerated with great reverence in the Orthodox traditions, he is said to have many miracles attributed to him. This Patron Saint of Greece is also considered the patron saint of children, fishermen, the falsely accused, repentant thieves, and pawnbrokers, among others.
        Portrayed in the west as Father Christmas, Sinterklaas, and Santa Claus, the idea of gift-giving at Christmas has emerged from the tales of him leaving coins in shoes left outside, or money left quietly with the needy in all humility and modesty. Good Old St. Nick, known also as Nikolaos the Wonder Worker, might well wonder at how his works of giving have evolved into the practices of today's celebration of Christmas.

Creator God of All Seasons
           Let us take but a moment in our waiting time of Advent, to remember Your Servant Nicholas, a model of humility and simplicity for these and all times. Help us to remember to find a reflection of You and Nicholas in all the ways that we give to and receive from others. Kindle in us, again, a desire to give of ourselves to You in each day, in ways great or small, and intentional. May we recognize as gifts, the Works of Wonder from Your hand, from the hands of those who have gone before, and with whom we share this earthly time. amen. 

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meditation Moments: Que Selah, Selah?

You forgave the iniquity of your people;
    you pardoned all their sin.         Selah
                               Psalm 85:2 [NRSV]

        The illumination of the Word of God takes many forms in and outside of the Incarnation. In the gold, the silver, and the rare colors found in elaborate calligraphy from the ancients, to the archaeological, etymological, and scholarly explorations of language, history, and context, to one's prayerful, mystical, and personal relationship with the Bible - be it in a particular passage, a chapter, a verse - we, who engage with it, find a light on our path, a resonance within ourselves, and also, fairly often, more questions than answers.         
        There have been, are now, and are yet to be innumerable studies of the texts, resulting in so many interpretations, so much knowledge, and fresh understanding and yet, with all the work of highly educated researchers and religious scholars, professors, and world class preachers of varying denominations and cultures, Christian and non-, there is one tiny little word that no one, ever, anywhere has truly figured out:  Selah. 
        Selah is found 71 times in the Psalms and 3 times in the book of Habakkuk.There are many theories about it - it may be a musical direction, a liturgical pause, perhaps it connects thoughts. It occurs at the end of some verses and most often at the end of the psalm itself. 
        You won't find it at all in the psalmody of the American Book of Common Prayer, or in the New Zealand Prayer Book, or even in some Bible printings. But it is in most Bibles. And it is a mystery. We simply don't have an absolute definition. As a North Carolina United Methodist Minister, James Howell, says, "I find myself fond of the fact that we don't really know. We never master the Bible, and I suspect God chuckles a bit when we're befuddled. When we join that angelic host for worship in heaven...then we'll get it and do the 'Selah' thing ourselves."  

Holy and Mystical Lord God of Heaven,
        In this Advent season of sacred waiting, I will seek to find Your Voice in the small words as well as the grand, in the quiet as well as the thunder, in the commonplace as well as the extraordinary. As I anticipate a boisterous and joyful celebration of the birth of our Savior, I will also revel in the Mystery of You who can not always be fully known, but who is always fully present in every moment to me. Remind me to look for You through your Word in every form, in every way, in every day and, experience again, the illumination of and for myself. Selah. amen. 


Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Prayers of the People: What are You Giving? 2nd Sunday of Advent

for  December 7, 2014, 2nd Sunday of Advent, Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11, Ps 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a, Mark 1-8 

          And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. [Mark 1:5]
         Can you imagine it? The whole town and the countryside waiting in line...but not at the mall, those people were waiting for John to baptize them! Their lives were filled with wars, pestilence, racial hatred, and oppression and here comes this person from the desert telling them to straighten up and straighten out - the way of the Lord must be prepared! To be fair, they all thought that the Messiah's arrival was imminent and for them, it was. We've gotten a bit complacent, 2000+ years later, forgetting the admonishment about not knowing the time that Christ will come again. We have set aside imminence for: whatever.
           Yet here today, in our world filled with wars, disease, racial hatred, and oppression, from the first chapter of the first Gospel ever written, John is still the voice crying...in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  [Mark 1:4] Are we listening and heeding or is it just that same old familiar refrain we hear on the way to Christmas, in the soul-less wilderness of an increasingly secular society, more interested in buying and receiving presents, than in presenting ourselves to our God?
           To repent means literally to "turn from" or even to "turn toward." Through the waters of baptism we are forgiven, cleansed, and the fire of sin is doused. Let us reclaim the forgiveness and cleansing of our baptism and if it truly is more blessed to give than to receive, now is the time to give - the gift of ourselves preparing for the Coming of Christ who will baptize us with the Holy Spirit. 

Leader:  ~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, Your messenger, John the Baptizer, calls us to prepare the way for the One who is coming; the One who will baptize us with the Holy Spirit. As we wait for the new heavens and a new earth, we come before you seeking the patience of heart and faithfulness of soul to live in holiness and godliness, ready for our Savior, Jesus. 

                                      O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
    RESPONSE:       Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You  

~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, the world is in turmoil with war and disease; with racial, religious, and political hatred; with devastating natural disasters, fear, and poverty.  Let us use this sacred waiting time to speak up and take positive steps to hold ourselves and our political leaders accountable for actions that favor only a few to the detriment of the very many. We must all repent as we us pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
                                    Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You

~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, in this season of prayerful expectation, we ask Your special care for those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit through illness, addiction, or despair. Uphold, also, the hearts of the ones who see to their daily needs.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
                                    Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You

~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, as we embrace those grieving the loss of loved ones, we celebrate those who have departed their earthly woes and entered the peace that passes all understanding through Your eternal salvation.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
                                    Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You

~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, silently or aloud…

                                    O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
                                    Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You

~ Gracious LORD of Comfort and Hope, as we look ahead in excited anticipation of the joy that is coming, we, more than ever, need the assistance of the earthly guides, anointed by You, to help us make straight our own path to the way of Christ.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    O Righteous God of Steadfast Love
                                    Help us heed the Baptizer’s call and turn our lives back to You

The Celebrant adds:  Jesus, Lord at thy birth, let us be impatient to make perfect our preparation, longing to know You as the Christ, with refreshed hearts, renewed joy, and profound faith in Your salvation. We ask this through You, the Holy Spirit, and our Creator God, who together are our One God, on earth as it is in heaven, for ever.  Amen.

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Meditation Moments: Saving while Shopping?

                                                           The First Week of Advent
              As we await the advent (the coming) of the birth of Jesus, we are also told to be waiting for Christ’s Second Coming, a concept much harder for many of us to grasp than the pretty tree with lights, decorations, and beautifully wrapped gifts that are closer at hand than the other - or, are they?
        But just looking at the current moment, the First Sunday of Advent is the start of a new Liturgical Year which will take us from the waiting and preparation for the holy Nativity, through the life and teachings, death and Resurrection of Christ, and beyond. 
        As with the secular “New Year” it’s a time to renew good intentions, an opportunity to make a sacred New Year’s Resolution to keep Christ in every-day thoughts and actions in the midst of so much busy-ness in life, especially in the current season of shopping and over-indulgence. For my "resolution" I want to think more about shopping for Saving in a new way – how can I add more to my spiritual budget for the eternal future of my soul and spend less of my spirit being consumed with the short-term, material stuff of this temporal earth-bound life? 
        Paul tells us this week in 1 Corinthians 1:3-9: “…for in every way you have been enriched…in speech and knowledge of every kind…so you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Dear God of Patience in Waiting,
Let me begin yet again, especially this first week of Advent, to find and use those gifts each day for the glory of You, the love of Jesus, and to prepare the way of the Lord for the here and now, and, for eternity.  amen.

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Watching and Waiting...

The Prayers of the People and Meditation Moments are taking a momentary break in preparation for the waiting in the Season of Advent...but don't go too far, just a day or two before something will appear in this space.

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Prayers of the People, The Cosmic Christ, 7th Sunday in the Season of Creation

for November 23, 20147th Sunday in SoC, Readings: Proverbs 8:22-36 [from The Message*], Ps 148, A Reading from the writings of Matthew Fox*
Matthew 25:31-45

...and neither is the Son younger than the Father,
   nor is the Father older than the Son;
   and the Holy Spirit breathes in them.
And the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are inseparable.  from Tírechán’s Creed in The Patrician Texts of the Book of Armagh, AD 670 Dublin
       Christ has always been. Jesus became the Incarnation of the Christ, the manifestation of the love of God, the human-divine person, the self of God that we can come a bit closer to, in ways that resemble understanding, and yet is still filled with divine mystery.
       The New Testament is filled with images of the Incarnation of Christ that connects us one to another and all of us to the cosmos of  Creation, time, and space. The Letter to the Colossians, as one example, says: He is the image of the unseen God and the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: every thing visible and everything invisible...Before anything was created, he existed, and he holds all things in unity. [Col 1:15-17] And in these days as we discard divine mystery for "reality" and the health of the planet for financial gain, Matthew Fox gives us another view from Creation Spirituality: I believe the appropriate symbol of the Cosmic Christ who became incarnate in Jesus is that of Jesus as Mother Earth crucified yet rising daily...wounded, yet rising, Mother Earth blesses us each day as we wake from our sleep. [The Coming of the Cosmic Christ]  Let us reconsider our actions, return to the inconvenience of responding to the call of Christ, relinquish our indifference, live as if life is a gift from God - what have we to lose?


Leader:  ~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, we come together today especially, to drink deeply of Your waters, awaken from our daily indifferences to You, and stop squandering the preciousness of each moment of life. Help us to give our best praises to You through our actions toward one another and to our Mother the Earth.

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples   
RESPONSE:      Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways  
~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, let us call upon the leaders of this world, our country, and our community to cease using religion and the politics of power and greed to divide and threaten. Let us not be imprisoned together as strangers, but rather live peacefully together as members of Your One Family. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples
                        Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, let us create harmony and healing together for all who suffer in spirit, soul, or body. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples
                        Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, anoint the grieving with Your oil of compassion as You joyously receive and bless those now entering Your gracious eternal kingdom.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples
                        Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, aloud or silently …

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples
                        Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of Cosmic Wisdom, we ask Your special blessings upon those whose lives we depend upon for guidance and inspiration as we make our way to You through the gifts and trials of earthly life. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                        Incarnate Jesus, the Christ of All Peoples
                        Teach us to see You in all faces and consciously embrace Your ways

The Celebrant adds: Son of Man, the Incarnation of Love, let us come before You, sheep and goats as we are, to receive and to give the blessing of Your hands, welcomed and welcoming as inheritors of the holy and sacred Kingdom. We offer our praise to You as Jesus our Christ, the Holy Spirit as the breath of the Trinity, and the Creator, who together before time, live and reign as one God, then, now, and into forever. Amen.

*1st Reading: Proverbs 8:22-36 [from The Message]

God sovereignly made me—the first, the basic—
  before he did anything else.
I was brought into being a long time ago,
  well before Earth got its start.
I arrived on the scene before Ocean,
  yes, even before Springs and Rivers and Lakes.
Before Mountains were sculpted and Hills took shape,
  I was already there, newborn;
Long before God stretched out Earth’s Horizons,
  and tended to the minute details of Soil and Weather,
And set Sky firmly in place,
  I was there.
When he mapped and gave borders to wild Ocean,
  built the vast vault of Heaven,
  and installed the fountains that fed Ocean,
When he drew a boundary for Sea,
  posted a sign that said no trespassing,
And then staked out Earth’s Foundations,
  I was right there with him, making sure everything fit.
Day after day I was there, with my joyful applause,
  always enjoying his company,
Delighted with the world of things and creatures,
  happily celebrating the human family.
So, my dear friends, listen carefully;
  those who embrace these my ways are most blessed.
Mark a life of discipline and live wisely;
  don’t squander your precious life.
Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to me,
  awake and ready for me each morning,
  alert and responsive as I start my day’s work.
When you find me, you find life, real life,
  to say nothing of God’s good pleasure.
But if you wrong me, you damage your very soul;
  when you reject me, you’re flirting with death.

*2nd Reading: A Reading From the Writings of Matthew Fox

Listen to the Cosmic Christ, to Cosmic Wisdom calling all the children of God together: “Come children, drink of my waters which are all common waters. They are free and available to all my children. Drink of my wisdom from your own unique well. Let the Taoists drink and the Muslims drink; let the Jews drink and the Buddhists drink; let the Christians drink and let the native peoples drink. And then tell me: What have you drunk? How deeply have you imbibed my refreshment? What wet and running wisdom drips from inside you to the outside? What have you to share with others of my wisdom and harmonious living, of the dripping of the oils of compassion and the lubricants of your common anointings as my images, my other “Christs,” my co-creators of wisdom on earth? I am tired of your religious wars, your sectarian divisions, your crusading spirits that arise from disharmony. I long for harmony. If there must be competition, let it take place at the level of shared gifts and bountiful outpouring of wisdom. Pray together. Create harmony and healing together. Celebrate, praise, and thank together. Cease using religion to divide. Use it for its purpose, to reconnect to Mother Earth, to blessings, to the underground river that I am and that you all share. And cease scandalizing the young by your indifference to these awesome blessings, by your competition, and your boredom. Praise one another. Praise the earth. In doing so, you praise me.” Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1988

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.

Prayers of the People: Feeling Sheepishly Goat-Like, Final Sunday after Pentecost

for November 23, 2014, Final Sunday after Pentecost, Readings: [RCL] Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Ps 95:1-7a, Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46   

       In this Sunday of Christ the King, the Final Sunday in the Season after Pentecost, or The Season of the Kingdom, in some places, we look at the Christ of Wisdom, of Eternity, of Majesty and yet we must also seek the Jesus that is the human-divine manifestation, the incarnation that brings the mystery of God closer to us.  
       We sometimes forget that Christ has always been but Jesus is just over 2,000 years old. Jesus became the human face of God, God's own divine self on earth. Earlier in Ephesians we are told: God has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of the divine will, according to the divine purpose which God set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth. [Eph 1:9-10] It is a bit much to take it all in at times. And not a little inconvenient to follow as a sheep and remember to look for Christ in strangers, and the sick, the imprisoned, and the poor - not to mention even those who seem better off in life than we. We are, after all, admonished to: seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves, and, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being [Baptismal Covenant, US Book of Common Prayer]. Most days it's much easier to be a goat and seek the more comfy Jesus of the Christmas glitter and bright colors of Easter eggs. But as we are at the end of one liturgical season and as we begin another, it's time to shake off the dust, the indifference, and the complacency, and walk again with the Christ who is Jesus with intention and consciousness, for we are the blessed inheritors of the Kingdom, and life as we know it is truly a gift from God. 


Leader:  ~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, we come into Your presence today especially, to offer deep thanksgiving for seeking us when we are lost and strayed, and helping us to awaken from our daily indifferences to You. Let us give offerings of praise by all of our actions toward one another and by seeking and finding Christ in every face.

                                          Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
            RESPONSE:     We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, let us call upon the leaders of this world, our country, and our community to cease using religion and the politics of power and greed to divide and threaten. Let us not be imprisoned together as strangers, but rather live peacefully together as members of Your One Family.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
                                    We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, let us create harmony and healing together for all who suffer in spirit, soul, or body. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
                                    We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand
~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, anoint the grieving with Your oil of compassion as You joyously receive and bless those now entering Your gracious eternal kingdom.  We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
                                    We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, we pause in this moment to offer You our other heartfelt intentions and petitions, silently or aloud…

                                    Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
                                    We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand

~ Glorious Lord, Creator of All Wisdom, we ask Your special blessings upon those whose lives we depend upon for guidance and inspiration as we make our way to You through the gifts and trials of earthly life. We pray especially for: add your own petitions

                                    Holy God, Our Lord of Heaven and Earth
                                    We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of Your hand

The Celebrant adds: Son of Man, the Incarnation of Love, let us come before You, sheep and goats as we are, to receive and to give the blessing of Your hands, welcomed and welcoming as inheritors of the holy and sacred Kingdom. We offer our praise to You as Jesus our Christ, the Holy Spirit as the breath of the Trinity, and the Creator, who together before time, live and reign as one God, then, now, and into forever. Amen.

Please feel free to request a prayer or meditation to be composed for a particular person, concern, or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. If you would like the weekly Prayers of the People prior to its appearance on the blog, please send me an email. Personal prayer requestors will remain anonymous.
