for Sunday, March 23, 2014
Readings: Ex 17:1-7, Ps 95, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42
Have you ever been thirsty - really, really thirsty? Hot summer day, cutting the grass, playing golf, volleyball on the, what did you do? Into the kitchen, turned on the tap, reached in the fridge, opened the cooler, or paid a vendor for a bottle of spring water? Imagine you are 50 days' walk away from all you knew in a life so bad you are willing to be lured by the promise of new beginnings out of all the misery you've been living in. All you have to do is follow the leader across the desert. He says he knows the way. And suddenly you realize there's no water - seriously, there's NO WATER, no well in sight, no streams or would you be talking to the leader?
LEADER: ~ O God, Navigator of our souls, we lead our own souls
into the parched desert of gloom and the arid wilderness of discouragement when
we turn from the path of Life that leads to You. Guide us back to the gushing Rock
that washes away all fear, anguish, and uncertainty.
Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.
Readings: Ex 17:1-7, Ps 95, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42
Jesus, stops by the local well to get a drink as part of the life and times. But he's on "the other side of town" where no respectable Jews would go and strikes up a conversation with one of those people and, a woman! WWYD? What Would You Do - if you were desperately thirsty and in a place you don't feel you belong in? Would you simply trust that God will keep you safe?
Much of the world's people today have no clean, safe, supply of water. Poorly maintained wells, drying and polluted streams, even miles to walk to get barely enough to carry back for just today. Think about it the next time you let the hose run on the lawn, or the bathroom tap as you brush your teeth, or throw half a bottle of unfinished spring water into the trash. And, mostly, think about your desert moments in life - is God your Living Water for consolation and hope, or just the leader you blame and complain to?LET US, GOD’S PEOPLE, PRAY
Lord of Living Water,
our thirst for Your salvation
~ O God, Navigator of our
souls, the depth and breadth of human misery in our world through war, abysmal
poverty, power mongering, prejudice, and natural disaster is invisible by
choice to many of us. Grant our local and world leaders clarity of vision and enlightened
perspective for a cooperative spirit of common purpose and global redemption. We
pray especially for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water,
Quench our thirst for Your
~ O God, Navigator of our
souls, pour Your love into those who are seriously ill, in pain, or in despair
and for those who minister to their needs. Let them feel immersed in Your grace
and blessed by enduring hope. We pray
especially for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water,
Quench our thirst for Your salvation
~ O God, Navigator of our
souls, we weep for our loss and mourn those who have left us even as they
thrive in Your everlasting Life. Dry our tears and bathe our hearts with Your
healing mercy as we seek a trickle of ease in our lonely journey without them.
We pray especially for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water,
Quench our thirst for Your salvation
~ O God, Navigator of our
souls, refresh the spirit of those we have called into leadership for Your
Church. May their faith in You course so strongly in their hearts that they are
sustained and renewed with the courage of their convictions. We pray especially
for: add your own petitions
Lord of Living Water,
Quench our thirst for Your salvation
The Celebrant adds:
God Almighty, LORD of Heaven
and of All the Earth, Jesus is our proof of Your love for us and the model for how
to live in an inclusive community of faith. Let us rid the world of prejudice and hate by
reconciling ourselves with others, drowning the seeds of injustice, and returning
kindness and tolerance for real or perceived insults and injuries. We ask this
through Jesus our Messiah, and the Holy Spirit our Sustainer, who live and
reign with You, One God, fount of all that is infinite and eternal. Amen.
Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space. You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution as long as they are not sold or charged for in any way. Requestors will remain anonymous.
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