~ John Donne* 1572-1631
Some things never change.
So, what are your distractions?
So, what are your distractions?
Dear Lord,
I have such good intentions, especially at New Year's, or when I want something from You, and of course during Lent. It's such a busy world - so much to do, so little time, and when I do have some free time I just need to relax. I have tried to just sit quietly and pray but I can't quite seem to be still and my mind just races. But, I will try again. For today, I'll give up 15 minutes of tv or that great book or start the dvr movie later. I'll take on finding some way to connect with You. I'll pray, somehow - I could read a couple of Psalms, go online and google Prayers, or I could just start with, Dear Lord, I want to talk to You but I don't know what to say, and then just tell You something about my day that worries me, makes me proud, or is just ordinary. I do know that You are waiting so I will show up, this time. amen.
*John Donne was a poet, lawyer, and satirist in England before becoming an Anglican priest at the order of King James 1. In and out of poverty, father of 12, he often wrote poetry for wealthy patrons. He wrote love poems with quite sensual language, also sonnets, and religious poems and he is also known for many well quoted phrases such as "No man is an island...," "...for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee," and..."Come live with me and be my love..." He became the Dean of St. Paul's in London where he is buried. His fascinating biography and the breadth and depth of his writing all serve the understanding of why he is still taught in English Literature classes today.
*John Donne was a poet, lawyer, and satirist in England before becoming an Anglican priest at the order of King James 1. In and out of poverty, father of 12, he often wrote poetry for wealthy patrons. He wrote love poems with quite sensual language, also sonnets, and religious poems and he is also known for many well quoted phrases such as "No man is an island...," "...for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee," and..."Come live with me and be my love..." He became the Dean of St. Paul's in London where he is buried. His fascinating biography and the breadth and depth of his writing all serve the understanding of why he is still taught in English Literature classes today.
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