Reading: Isaiah 49: 1-7;1 Cor: 1:18-31; Ps 71:1-14, John 12:20-36
On this Tuesday, disciples Philip and Andrew told Jesus some visiting Greeks wanted to see him and he replied in part, cryptically, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified...unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit..."
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When he met with the Greeks he told them, "Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say-- `Father, save me from this hour'? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name." Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again." When the voice came some of the people only heard thunder while others thought it was an angel speaking to Jesus. Jesus told them that the voice was for them to hear, not him. Some questioned Jesus about who he was and what was this all about. He told them the light would be around a little bit longer and to walk in the light because if you walk in the dark you won't see where you're going. If you believe in the light, he told them, "you may become children of the light." And with that, he went off and hid.
Dear Jesus, our Prophet and our Lord,
What must your words sound like to those who haven't read The Book or just don't know how things turn out? I'm confused by those words sometimes and I have read it. On this Tuesday in Your lifetime, You told everyone what was happening in what seems like very plain words yet the message is not quite plain enough for us to grasp well. On this Tuesday in our lifetime it was a day like any other ~ a little shopping for paper cups, plates, and napkins for the upcoming party; pumped gas for the car and tried to remember what else was on the list. Your list was clear enough in one sense - walk in the light ~ Your light ~ and our faith may lead us to be Your children of Your light. It all sounds so easy and so hard at the same time.
Help me be one of Yours who hears the voice of God instead of the thundering rumblings of the naysayers and woebegones around me. Give me the courage to stay with the light and not wander off into the darkness of a life with no purpose beyond the correct paper plates. And then on that Tuesday, You hid I should do sometimes to spend time with You and learn how to be more than just a single grain. amen.
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