Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me;
because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news
to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the
captives and release to the prisoners... [Isaiah
the Lord restored the
fortunes of Zion, then we were like those who dream. Then was our mouth filled
with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy...Those who sowed with tears
will reap with songs of joy. [Psalm 126: 1-2, 6]
Rejoice always, pray
without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances...May the God of peace
himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept
sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [1 Thessalonians 5:16-18a, 23]
There was a man sent
from God whose name was John...[John] said, "I am the voice of one crying
in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,'" as the prophet
Isaiah said. [John
1:6, 23]
[Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among
us... [Book of Common Prayer,
Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent, US version, page 212]]
On this Third Sunday of
Advent, we light the rose-colored candle to symbolize the joy and anticipation
of Christ's birth which is now in sight. In the Anglican/Episcopal Church tradition
there is an informal title of "Stir Up Sunday" because the opening
Collect [a prayer that collects or gathers the
themes of the day or service] begins with the phrase: Stir up your
power, O Lord... And there are some local customs that accompany the
day in various places.
message of this day and week is "Gaudete," [gow-day-tay] from
the Latin for rejoice and it gives us a slight respite from
some of the more penitential aspects of this sacred Season.
children, of course, it is the dazzle and glitter and haze of lights and
sparkle, gifts from Santa and his magic reindeer, or Father Christmas, who
"make the season bright." The music and decorations often bring
smiles for those of us fortunate to have memories of ourselves or our own
children with wide eyes on Christmas morning. Though, I have to say, that an
air-filled Grinch dressed as Santa on a neighbor's lawn doesn't quite call to
my mind the "reason for the season" however well the original story
us as adults, this week is also a sobering moment to consider all those near to
and far from us, who are suffering in the world from the ravages of war and
domestic or other terrorism, the effects of devastating fires, the still
terrible conditions of recent hurricanes and earthquakes, or for those who live
in abject poverty, among many more hardships, and the now annual arrival of
flu, COVID, RSV, with their attending miseries of fear, isolation, further
infection and/or death for so many.
Yet now is the time to experience the true joy
of Christ's coming. “Celebration,” in a culture of excess in whatever ways muted
in dire times and so it is an opportunity to look beyond the artificial
trappings, fun and exciting as they are, and seek to find the authentic message.
Baptizer's voice is back with us and he is a reminder that we must Make
straight the way of the Lord, and, that it’s a two-way endeavor. As
we level the path, removing the obstacles for Christ’s coming to us, we are
also to sweep out the cobwebs of our hearts, minds, and souls to prepare
ourselves to venture back on the Way. As Christ comes to us,
so must we go to Christ.
There is One who is coming, the One who, as John told us last week, will
baptize us with the Holy Spirit. Let us be hopeful, eager, and joyous for that
coming. Let us not abandon God's call to be faithful, giving thanks in
all circumstances, as God is faithful to us in the everlasting
covenant. We can, indeed, pray without ceasing, for others and for ourselves,
in thanksgiving, in petition, in intercession, in penitence, in adoration, and
especially in oblation, the offering of ourselves for God's purpose and
The Psalmist tells us that when God restored the fortunes of those who
returned from the long exile, they were like "those who
dream." In the hope of Christ everlasting, the dream is always within
if we choose to know and accept it.
Isaiah gives us a hopeful image when he writes, For as the earth
brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring
up, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all
the nations. Plant your spiritual garden with care and intention.
Nurture, weed, and feed it with prayer, with hope, and with peace. Even when we
sow with tears, in Christ we will reap an abundance of everlasting Joy.
Now is the time to return from the exile of temporary shimmer
and twinkle to glow and shine in the never-diminishing Divine Light. Now is the
time to answer the question asked of John: “Who are You?” With the intentional, “I, too, am
one crying in the wilderness for every one to: Come into the Joy!”
Leader: ~ O
Lord of Restoration, stir up our
hearts with rejoicing in the sweet anticipation of the One who is coming.
Release us from the captivity of sin; cause us to pray without ceasing, hold
fast to what is good in Your sight, and magnify Your glory in our souls.
O God of Peace
Response: Sanctify us in
spirit, soul, and body
~ O Lord of Restoration, keep us ever mindful
of the struggles of Your people and Your Creation. Strengthen us to speak
constantly to Earth-bound Leaders, globally and locally, that we all must
persist in pursuing the restoration of justice, mercy, peace, health, and abstaining
from evil. We pray especially for: add your own petitions
O God of Peace
Sanctify us in spirit, soul, and body
~ O Lord of Restoration, grant relief to all
who suffer with life-threatening disease, unemployment, and hopelessness; and
lift the hearts of all who give support. We now join our hearts to pray
for those in need… add your own petitions
O God of Peace
us in spirit, soul, and body
~ O Lord of Restoration, comfort those whose
tears of sorrow reap fruits of joy for all who now live again, restored to
everlasting life in Christ. We pray especially for… add your own
O God of Peace
us in spirit, soul, and body
~ O Lord of Restoration, we pause in
this moment to offer You our other heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions,
petitions, and memorials… add your own petitions
O God of Peace
us in spirit, soul, and body
~ O Lord of Restoration, encourage and
energize our messengers of Christ's Good News, those dedicated and anointed as
faithful witnesses of Your Word and Sacraments. We pray especially
for: add your own petitions
O God of Peace
us in spirit, soul, and body
The Celebrant adds: Our
Savior Christ, who was and is and ever shall be, open us to allow John’s
wilderness-voice to permeate our consciousness, through the noise and haze of
dazzle and glitter, to joyfully prepare our lives and make straight the way for
Your glorious return. We ask through the Unquenchable Holy Spirit,
and our Eternal Creator, who together with You reign as one God, now and
forever. Amen.
Thank you Christina. I have used your prayers, with alterations, in preparing the Prayers of the People for Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Geneva Switzerland. Grateful for your help.