For Sunday, December 24, 2023,
Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Canticle 15/Song of Mary - Luke 1:46-55,
Romans 16:25-27, Luke 1:26-38
Nathan said to the king, "Go, do all that you have in mind;
for the Lord is with you. [2 Samuel 7:3]
My soul proclaims the greatness of the
Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior; for he has looked with favor upon
his lowly servant. [Canticle 15, Song of Mary/Luke 1:46-48]
...the proclamation of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the disclosed, according to the
command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith to the only
wise God, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever! [Romans 16:25b-26]
The angel said to her, "Do not be
afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. will bear a son, and
you will name him Jesus...For nothing will be impossible with God." Then
Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me
according to your word." [Luke 1:26-38]
It’s especially
difficult this year to think about the 4th Sunday of Advent as it
falls on the day of Christmas Eve. Many will ignore this last Advent Sunday
morning Church service completely as the afternoon, evening, and/or late
services will be better attended. But if you take a breath and stop for a moment
this week, here are some thoughts about what our coming Christ-Mass is all
about. The wait, for many or most, is over and the final preparations are
nearly complete. The excitement and sparkle of the lights and music and the
results of holiday planning are at hand. Some may feel anxious about questions
such as: do we have that thing, or the other thing, and the third thing? Is the
wrapping done, do we have all the food? Yet there are a few questions that may
have slipped our thoughts along the way such as who will be alone on Christmas,
some perhaps for the first time in their long lives? And what about those
who are suffering physically, emotionally, economically, and for other
life-issues? Hopefully, some provision of money, food, other donation, or
invitations have already been remembered and given but, there’s ALWAYS need and
especially AFTER Christmas and New Year’s and other celebrations when the need
is even greater and donations have diminished significantly.
acknowledging that it is Christmas Eve, here are a couple of extra questions to
think about: how did we actually get to this celebration? Who decided THE date?
While we know about the shepherds and choirs of angels, we have never heard how
the people at the allegedly-filled Inn responded to all the ruckus in, around,
and above that stable or cave or other theories about where it all happened.
You’d think the whole town would have been intrigued about all the fuss. We’re
told about those “wise men” following the star, left gifts and left town, and we’ve
never been told about when they returned to their homeland. Did they tell
Second, the other part of our reason for the season is that in
the 4th century, the newly Christianized Emperor Constantine, appropriated the
Winter Solstice festivals of the sun and other deities from pagan religious
traditions ~ the Celts and Egyptians among others ~ for the wholly and holy
Christian commemoration of Christ's birth. Perhaps he assumed that if they're
going to party anyway, he would mandate a different reason. After all, none of
the birth narratives in the Bible tell us a date or even a season when Jesus
was born. December 25th became the official date for the celebration everywhere
in the Church under Pope Julius I, not long after Constantine's
decree. The December “Winter Solstice” only applies in the northern
hemisphere as in the southern hemisphere it is the “Summer Solstice” and the
date is generally December 22. But after well over 2 millennia, the whole world
is accustomed to Christmas on December 25th and for half our
world it is the beginning of summer.
Yet NOW, on
this Sunday morning, it is STILL ADVENT. Today we light the candle of Love on
the Advent Wreath as we light again the candles of Hope, Peace, and Joy. This
last Sunday of Advent is also a moment in Anglican-Episcopal theology to
celebrate the crucial role of Mary in our Salvation ~ not merely as the Theotokos
[theo-tow-kohs], God-Bearer, but more so because she "...found favor
with God." [Luke 1:30a of The Song of Mary/Magnificat] She
was chosen because this favor acknowledged her devotion,
because she heard God's word and believed, because she was
faith-filled and faithful. God’s call to her was to bear and deliver to us the
fulfillment of God's ultimate Promise, Jesus, whom Paul says, is the
revelation of the disclosed.
The Love of
God became human flesh through human pre-natal development and physical birth from
a mother who would willingly accept her vocation and have some understanding of
its meaning. The Angel Gabriel brought Mary the message of God’s call, as she, very
young and certainly fearful of such an apparition and request, was still able
to courageously ask How can this be? Mary would have known the
story of her Hebrew people and likely some of the prophecies of Ezekiel,
Jeremiah, and Isaiah. She would likely have had a quick rush of emotion
recognizing the importance and the trials of a mother of a great leader of
faith for God’s people. She could have humbly refused. God offers a call yet
never forces us to obey. Mary, most humbly, accepted.
we can discover what Christmas and Christ really mean to our everyday lives
when we spend some time with ourselves. Dig deep and listen, examine the
promises we have made in moments of true devotion and in times of crisis, the
promises kept and the ones we meant to keep in the moment they were made. How
do we allow Mary's example of Let it be with me according to your
word to manifest in our lives? It is time to begin again to find the
Christ within us and let his light shine through us; to believe again, or for
the first time, the angel's words: For nothing will be impossible with
Within just this one
day, we journey from the Annunciation to the birth of Jesus our
Christ, the Son who forever outshines the sun. Will you notice? Do not
be afraid to stop, listen, think, and pray in hope, peace, joy, love,
and faith for this lifetime journey!
Leader: ~ God
Almighty, Great and Merciful, purify our souls and grant us the humility to
live according to Your Word and Will. Awaken our hearts to be eager in child-like
anticipation for the coming celebration of this Holy Infant, our Hope and our
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and
~ God Almighty, Great and
Merciful, keep us vigilant, consistent, and insistent as we advocate constantly
for the causes of compassion, peace, and cooperation among all who govern in
our World, in our Nation, and in our Villages, Towns, and Cities. We pray
especially for: add your own petitions
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and Trust
~ God Almighty, Great and
Merciful, comfort and heal those who suffer with devastating illness, serious
depression, or any life-limiting circumstance, and give respite to all who give
love and support. We now join our hearts to pray for those in need… add
your own petitions
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and Trust
~ God Almighty, Great and
Merciful, release us all from fresh and remembered grief as our loved ones
arise to boundless joy in everlasting life with You. We pray especially
for… add your own petitions
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and Trust
~ God Almighty, Great and
Merciful, we pause in this moment to offer You our other
heartfelt thanksgivings, intercessions, petitions, and memorials… add your
own petitions
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and Trust
~ God Almighty, Great and
Merciful, grant continuing renewal and energy to all who have answered Your
call in the model of Mary, and have inspired us by their example in
faithfulness, worship, and pastoral care. We pray especially for: add
your own petitions
Gracious and Eternal God
Fill us with Mary’s Wonder, Hope, and Trust
The Celebrant adds: O
God of Love and Glory, detach us from earth-bound noise to listen deeply and
experience the true Birth of Christ within and through us. Infuse us with the
obedience of faith that will guide us and sustain us as we follow the path of
our Messiah. We ask through the imminence of the Incarnate Christ, and the
Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, who together with You are One God, our Strength and
our Salvation, forever and ever. Amen.
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