Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
~ Albert Einstein* [1879-1955]
Lord of all Intelligent, and not so, Life,
I cannot count the times I have felt diminished by being told I wasn't capable of x or that I couldn't possibly achieve y. I've also been elevated by the encouragement of or compliment by someone I respect and admire, or even by a stranger. How easy it can be to shake or make self-confidence, to thwart or inspire development. How fragile we, who-pretend-even-to-ourselves-we-are-not, often are.
SO, here's a twist on some familiar refrains - Let me NOT do or say unto others the insensitive and hurtful things as have been done or said unto me (even if unaware and unintended). And grant me the serenity to let go of that same stuff and just get on with myself. Help me to always be an encourager and a listener even if I'm pretty sure that the fish can't climb the tree - sometimes we may all be surprised at the outcome. amen.
*Albert Einstein, German-born, is an icon of theoretical physics, a Nobel Prize winner, with so many intellectual and scientific achievements to his credit his name has become the synonym for genius. He was visiting in the US in 1933 when Hitler came to power and he never returned to Germany. He became a US citizen in 1940 and warned President Roosevelt of the possible weapon development in Germany that would become the Manhattan Project in the US leading to the atomic bomb. Einstein later denounced the use of nuclear fission for weapons but had been worried that Germany would develop it first. His career in the US was with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University in New Jersey which lasted until his death.
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