What is calling you to just wait? Out of work, new baby, test results, the next paycheck, loan approval, diagnosis, good news, bad news, someone to love you, delayed flight...Will you cope, accept, deny, light up, flame out, smile, cry...tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,tick...
Holy Spirit, Breath of God ~ breathe Your gentleness into my worried heart, my anxious head, my shaking hands. As I inhale You deeply and slowly into my body and hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Your lightness fills my soul and soothes the fever of my impatience. As I exhale deeply and slowly out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 the turbulence of uncertainty is calmed and the ticking of time passing is quieter. I repeat this process as long as I must while Your soothing presence enfolds me; Your cooling countenance carries me. Whatever the outcome, You walk with me and strengthen my resolve. Breathe on me Breath of God, fill me with life anew...
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