The dictionary definition is a sudden intuitive understanding; an appearance of God. For Christians, it is the celebration of the sudden appearance or manifestation of Jesus. The traditional image for many are the "Three Kings", the "Magi", or "The Wise Men" who traveled to present their offerings in recognition of the Divinity of the Infant and unwittingly giving Herod a heads up that something dangerous to his power was nearby. The travelers' gifts were symbolic of their understanding of the momentous occasion of the long-awaited birth of the King of the Jews: gold to symbolize
Kingship, the sweet burning frankincense honors the Child's Divinity, and the
bitter myrrh as a foretelling of what is to come.
Once a significant marker of the end of the Christmas season as the Twelfth Night, in recent times the "holiday" celebration of Epiphany is more often merely a mention on the calendar. There is the occasional parish that centers on children and youth searching for the token inside a "Three Kings Cake." It's time for us to engage again. The glory of God is with us! Let us each experience an Epiphany and grow along with this Holy Child. Find the Light of Christ, even if only a single beam, and Follow. Where is the Star leading YOU?
Prayers of the People 2nd Sunday after Christmas,
Readings for Epiphany
Readings: Is 60:1-6;
Ps 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Mt 2:1-12
~ Holy Child of God, the darkness of our past is pierced by
the brightness of Your dawn. Lift our
eyes to see, and open our hearts to feel the blessings of Your Radiance.
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, You have come to us that we may rejoice
in the blessings You bring and flourish in Your love as we humbly and
gratefully serve You.
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, the Wisest of the Wise came to You with
profound joy to acknowledge this auspicious Birth. May those who govern in our names also come
to You to receive and deliver Your Rich Wisdom to this world with peace,
justice, and mercy, and rid the world of brutality, poverty, and despair. We pray especially for those we have elected for our local and national positions: (add your petitions here)
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, shine Your Healing Light on those who
are ill and on those who love and care for them. Shield them from fear and pain
and guide them to Your peace and comfort.
We pray especially for: (add your petitions here)
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, even in our Joy at Your Sacred Birth,
we are saddened by the loss of those we love.
Shepherd us through our grief and warm our hearts with Your Grace until
we come to know that those we mourn live again with You. We prayer especially
for: (add your petitions here)
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, sanctify the Leaders of Your Church and
give them Your Vision and Strength to defend the poor and provide deliverance
to the needy. Let Your Leaders enfold
and embolden the rest of us to live our lives in order to prosper all of Your
People, for Your Glory and with all confidence in our Faith in You. We pray especially for: (add your petitions here)
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
~ Holy Child of God, we know we are precious in Your
sight. Let us feel the Love in Your Holy
Heart written on our own from the rising of Your Star until the moon is no
Blessed Child, Your
Star has risen! All the Glory of God is upon You and through You to all of us
The Celebrant adds:
Blessed and Holy Child of God, Your
Glittering Star shows itself again as the Compass for our lives. Let us follow the Light of Your Guidance to
fulfill God’s Perfect Mystery for our lives and seek the bold path that will
lead us to Eternal Life. We ask this
through Your Grace and for the Glory of God and the Wisdom of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
Please feel free to request a prayer to be composed for a particular concern or topic for posting in this space.
You may leave your request in the comments section or contact me directly at Leeosophy@gmail.com
All compositions remain the property of the owner of this blog but may be used with attribution
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