A moment of contemplation for yourself or on behalf of others on everything from the life-altering to the mundane.

Prayer: A conversation with The Higher Other who lives within each of us. An invitation to vent, to re-think, to ask, and to rest.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Meditation in Eastertide ~ Wednesday Week 5: Who ARE These Guys?

May 1, 2024 ~ Wednesday, Week 5

May 1 ~ Feast of:

 St. Philip and  St. James

       Saints Philip and James are on the Anglican/Episcopal Church calendar today, two of the original 12 Apostles called directly by Jesus to follow Him (see Mark 3:13-19). What little we know of Philip is that he lived in Bethsaida, in Galilee, the same town as Peter and Andrew. After meeting Jesus, Philip told Nathaniel that Jesus is "the one about whom Moses and the Prophets wrote" (see John 1:43-51). 

     We don't know much about James except that he is the son of Alphaeus and he is called James the Lesser ~ and he is not the son of Cleopas, nor is he James the son of Zebedee who is known as James the Greater, nor is he considered to be the author of the Letter of James in the New Testament. 

     We do know that they were pretty ordinary guys called to follow an extraordinary man. It appears from some of the discussions all the Apostles had with Jesus at one time or another that they weren't always swift on the uptake. Jesus was a bit impatient at times with their lack of "getting it" (see John 14:8-9a) but they ultimately understood and, as Jesus said they would, they received the power to heal, and preach, and teach in His name. They were each an integral part of the foundation that Jesus laid and He, the Cornerstone, called them, and us, to continue the work after His resurrection.


  Jesus, Fisher of Souls,
       You called these everyday-men to give up their ordinary lives to follow You, and they did.  Without completely understanding everything that You were about, they trusted, they believed, and they grew into all that You wanted them to be. Even though there was uncertainty, they sometimes squabbled, asked frustrating questions, and they were occasionally fearful, You reached their hearts, and minds, and bodies. You molded them into Your earthly legacy that comes down to us today.  
      Thank You, Lord, for the example of these men. They remind me that, as an ordinary everyday person who doesn't always understand everything, with You as the Cornerstone of my Faith, I am also part of the continual building on the foundation they began, living in and through all that You taught. In this Easter season, help me
Day by Day* to know You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly, each and every day.  amen. 


*Click here for: Day by Da

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